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Unsolved Mysteries (TV Series 1987–2010) Poster


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Robert Stack, Matthew McConaughey, and so much more!
blanche-215 March 2005
Unsolved Mysteries was one of the most intriguing shows ever on television, sometimes scary, sometimes funny, sometimes heartwarming, sometimes silly, and always interesting. Unsolved Mysteries was given great dignity and style by the late Robert Stack, whose presence and voice made it eminently watchable.

Given that this was a reality show, it's surprising to me that in the current reality show frenzy, this show hasn't been revived. In its prime-time years, it was canceled, then returned to the air with co-host Virginia Madsen for a season. The rest of the time on the air, it was hosted by only Stack. Lifetime has been running the series for some time now, but they really should produce new episodes. The only problem with that is, who would replace Stack? All that aside, the series was notable for all its reuniting of families, the criminals caught, and its inspirational stories of miracle healings. It also had its share of UFO sightings and ghost stories. With the show off of the air, it's very frustrating because one doesn't know if the unsolved cases were ever solved.

If you look closely, you'll see Matthew McConaughey as a murder victim.

You can't get any better than that.
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Robert Stack was great
Cobra_779 July 2022
During the early years of this show, several hosts were used, but Robert Stack became the primary host for around 11 years. His voice and his style were perfect for this show. Back in the late 1980s, Unsolved Mysteries was the only thing like it, and often it seemed to update with the capture of suspected criminals. It was a great show during the Robert Stack era.

Unfortunately, Robert Stack retired and passed away. Dennis Farina took over around 1998, and he always looked out of place, and his style was all wrong, for me. Also, by that time, there were several other shows like Dateline, that were network shows that had bigger budgets, and covered more recent crimes.
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It managed to keep itself both dignified and interesting
AlsExGal24 July 2015
I always loved this show, even when the broadcast schedule became erratic after 1997 and I had to chase it all over the schedule and from network to network. Robert Stack - Elliot Ness himself - was the definitive host, and was essential in the role he had. There were really two forces at work here that made the show a success. First, the producers of the show didn't put every backwoods legend that came across their desks on the air. They tried to document events and stories that could have happened. Second, Robert Stack was a great host, his trench coat-clad presence and dignified and sincere narration bringing respectability to each segment. Thus, no matter how fantastic something might appear on paper, it was presented as something that a rational person could believe was possible. Among the topics explored were:

UFOs - episodes devoted to alien abductions, crop circles, and the controversy surrounding Roswell and Area 51.

Ghosts - Among the episodes there is a friendly ghost (not Casper), a matchmaker ghost, a court case with new homeowners suing old homeowners because they weren't told the house was haunted, and other assorted ghost tales.

Miracles - Divine influence and angelic interventions were examined in a series of episodes that cover everything from inexplicably answered prayers, to alternative medicines, to religious visions.

Psychics - Accounts of ESP, fortune telling, past-life regression, strange seers, and other tales of mental magic. The more interesting segments involved psychics helping the police solve crimes.

Bizarre Murders - Focuses on some of the most notorious murders in history. Examines such infamous criminals as the Boston Strangler and the Zodiac Killer, as well as a woman possibly killed by one of her own alternate personalities, and the psychology behind well-known homicidal world leader.

Strange Legends" - Segments are included on Bigfoot, what happened to famed skyjacker D.B. Cooper, skunk apes, and other such matters. Also includes segments on the legend of the Mothman, the fate of Amelia Earhart, the death of "Adventures of Superman" star George Reeves, and the strange legacy of the Bermuda Triangle aired.

I'll always miss this series and Stack's dignified presence. Highly recommended if you ever run across it. And look closely. You just might recognize some stars of today as extras in the dramatic reconstructions.
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The Original Reality Television.
tfrizzell16 January 2004
Excellent television series that went on for a decade on NBC, found a home for less than half a season on CBS (only completing six episodes for the network) and still living in syndication on the Lifetime Network. The series finally hit a brick wall for all intensive purposes by 2002 as nothing new was really being added to old episodes and new mysteries were only given a quick glimpse. The series is an intense study in crime, history, religion, the super-natural and seemingly everything in between. The show started slowly in the late-1980s with Karl Malden and Raymond Burr starting out as hosts (never hosting at the same time). It was not until Robert Stack took over very early in the series' run that the program found a permanent audience. His golden voice spooked and intrigued for over a decade. As the years passed the program struggled in spite of the fact that many bad people were caught and innumerable mysteries were solved. Gimmicks followed with co-hosts like Virginia Madsen and Keely Shaye Smith, but by that time "Unsolved Mysteries" had sadly become a Nielsen Ratings dog. All shot in a documentary style, the series was always endearing to me. However its purpose was never really to entertain and the sometimes dark and disturbing subject matter turned many in the viewing public away. Even in syndication it is fun to look back to a part of television history that will stand the test of time. 5 stars out of 5.
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A great show hosted by a superb actor and host
WishfulDreamer5 January 2005
Robert Stack had a lot of talent and charisma. The authoritative, yet sympathetic ring to his voice when he spoke of poignant cases was very unique. Ever dapper and intelligent, he makes the viewer identify with victims and their families, feel intrigued by the supernatural; i.e., UFOs, ghost stories, etc. I have watched many episodes with my daughter who is 14 and sons in their 20s. We all like and respect Robert Stack and were genuinely sorry about his passing. He had a unique talent and charisma similar to John Newland of ONE STEP BEYOND, a series about supernatural occurrences which aired when I was very young. I remember John having a similar ring of sincerity in his voice and an intriguing way of hosting this show which was based on true life experiences. In conclusion, no one could ever replace Bob, but it would be sad if the show could not continue.

Robert will be sorely missed by many viewers!
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Still Sends A Shiver Up The Spine All These Years Later
bayardhiler24 April 2014
As a kid growing up in the 90's, there wasn't too much in the realm of weirdness that I didn't watch, be it "The X-Files" or the good horror movies that the Sci-Fi Channel used to have on. There was one production, however, that gave me the chills more than any other, "Unsolved Mysteries". First airing on NBC as a special in 1987, the show would go on to do fifteen seasons on three different networks: NBC (1988-1997), CBS (1997-1999), and Lifetime (2001-2002). It had the hallmarks of a legendary TV show: A very spooky and foreboding music introduction (I get goosebumps just thinking about it!), an amazing host in the form of Robert Stack, and of course, unsolved mysteries that would both intrigue and keep you up at night! The cases featured on the show covered anything from the down to earth type, like unsolved murders, strange disappearances, dangerous fugitives, questionable accidents, to the more bizarre, such as UFOs, ghosts, psychics, and strange legends. Whatever area the cases covered though, let me assure you that at no point did any of them fail to make me want to hide under my bed. Unlike say "The X-Files", these were real cases involving real people and if that fact alone didn't give you the shivers, Robert Stack's stern and authoritative narration of events would.

With his trademark trench coat and usual abandoned road set in the background, Stack had the unique ability of both comforting and yet disturbing you on some level as well. But despite the show's spooky theatrics, it did help shed light on and solve a number of cases. At the same time though, looking at the various websites that are dedicated to the show, there are many that are still unresolved to this day. For example, the Amtrak sunset limited crash in Palo Verde, Arizona, where twenty-nine spikes were removed from the track that caused the train to derail. One person was killed, seventy-eight were injured. The only clue the FBI ever found was a few notes signed as "Sons of the Gestapo", whatever that's supposed to mean. To this day, nobody has the slightest idea who pulled that off. See what I mean? Spooky stuff. And of course, anything to do with ghosts would send my fear level through the roof, as did anything that had to do with alien abductions and strange lights in the sky. It really was a great show, one that remains as bone chilling today as it was then. A number of segments have been released on DVD box sets collating to a certain subject. Recently I just bought the UFO set and have been happily spooked by it ever since. Also, there are many segments available through you tube and the internet in general. So if you ever feel the need to scare yourself with real life mysteries, don't let "Unsolved Mysteries" pass you by. And who knows, as Robert Stack said in the beginning of each episode, "you could help solve a mystery."

P.S. Rest in Peace Robert Stack (1919-2003)
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Fascinating Investigating
hellraiser711 July 2014
There is always something about mysteries that are unsolved that has a huge draw. It's hard to say why, may'be it's just the notion on the possibility that we could be that one person to figure it out. Or just simply how much what is unexplained stirs up our imagination and makes us draw our own conclusions.

This show is of course another childhood relic of mine, I really liked it back then and I still like it now because this was the show that helped get me into unexplained phenomena. Sure there have been many other shows on unexplained phenomena, but to me this one is my favorite of them because of it's execution. As a kid I was always into mysteries that was one of my things and still is to this day, this show was the perfect hook for me for one of the things I love in life. Yeah, I'll admit like most people I couldn't helped but be creeped out from the show but at the same time fascinated.

Not much I can say, I really like the reenactment moments, I thought they were executed well and really do reinforce the testimonials that are spoken to us, as they say visual aids really do help a speech. The late great Robert Stack was a great host and is fitting since he is famous for being in a lot of detective roles and I just simply like that voice of his, it just has that great authoritative flair to it. And of course the theme song is just excellent, it is one of my favorite theme songs ever because it really fits the nature of this show like bread and butter go together. The theme I'll admit as a kid always gave me chills and to this day still does every time I hear it, it has a very unsettling tone which brings a sense of dread but at the same time faciation of the unknown out there.

Of course there are the true crime and missing person mysteries which are important and I'll admit as a kid scared me a little but taught me a valuable lesson that the world can be a dangerous place and that these were the kind of things that could happen to anybody.

However the mysteries this show is most famous for and to me what really make the show are when they talk about aliens, monsters, ghosts and all other kinds of unexplained phenomena out there. It was both really cool and really spooky at the same time, it's not the kind of stuff you would hear every day. I remember as a kid my blood turning cold when I heard a few stories on haunted houses, the worst part was the fact I watch those stories home alone so I was a little concerned about ghostly presences.

These stories were also a phenomenon on their own; after watching them I and my friends would talk about it after recess or at lunch time and debate on the existence of this phenomena. I won't say whether I believe in the existence of these things or not, personally I believe it's possible from the witnesses on the show whom I don't believe are scam artists, the stories they tell and the way they tell them that isn't something you can fake easily; at least that's what I believe.

My favorite story to me is the one on the Men In Black, just the possibility that these unusual beings from an unseen organization are walking among us with some unknown motive; as well as the possibility they could be aliens themselves. It made me wonder if one passed me by and I didn't know it.

The other thing and I personally think the most important thing about this show for me was it gave everyone of us the viewers to play the detective role. That we didn't have to be experts, we can investigate things and seek the truth out for ourselves if we wanted to. And as for the unexplained phenomena just simply to decide for yourself whether you believe in it or not, it's up to you but all the same the facts presented speak for what they are and sometimes truth can be more unbelievable than fiction.

In the words of Fox Mulder, "The Truth is Out There" and we continue to look for it.

Rating: 4 stars
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An Honest Review
generationofswine22 April 2017
One of the reviews here is titled "They Don't Make Them Like This Anymore," and I have to agree. Now the closest things are true crime and those seem too...Penny Dreadful and don't really pack the same punch.

I could care less about Cold Cases unless they were pivotal and huge.

Unsolved Mysteries has its fair share of Cold Cases but they seem bigger and more important to the grander scheme of history and science...and they are only peppered in the run along side of history, science, the paranormal, and the purely strange.

Dorks like me can binge on it for a long time and only have to skip a few here and there.
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AN Honest Review
generationofswine10 March 2019
What we have here is the predecessor of the ID channel, however Robert Stack has a far creepier narration style than anything that ID could hope for. He presents himself as both a scary and deadly serious narrator, and an authority on whatever it is the episode was about.

On top of that, unlike ID, it tried to cover the entire range of the mysterious, appealing as much to the true crime crowd as it does to the Ancient Aliens crowd as it does to the Histories Mysteries crowd as it does to the basic conspiracy theory crowd.

Each episode had enough to appeal to a multitude of people, making it the ultimate series in its genre.
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Forever a classic!
tvince51216 July 2018
This show is one of the best, and probably the original show, to solve crimes. It can be heartwarming during reunions, scary for unsolved murders and ghosts, make you think about UFO's, and keep your eyes peeled for wanted fugitives. Robert Stack was the most amazing one could have done it like him.
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Great show
mm-3917 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Unsolved Mysteries worked so well and here is why: Robert Stack had a voice and narration which had grace and strength which directed each episode. The format had re enactments, theories and experts for each mystery. Similar to the series In Search of, with Americans most wanted all mixed into one. Best part of the format was the audience participation with a call in line. The show went from missing persons, crimes, paranormal activity, searching for people who save love ones etc and even urban legends. The direction, themes, stories, lighting, moods all set up with intrigue, and excitement. The updates always made me want to watch next weeks episode. Stories of reunited couples, finding missing criminals etc where fascinating to watch. I still remember a few episodes.. t I can see why the series lasted over 20 years. Would love to see a remake.
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One of the great mystery shows
dee.reid6 March 2012
I'll keep it short & sweet: "Unsolved Mysteries," hosted by the late Robert Stack (he has since been replaced by Dennis Farina), is one of the great shows about - you guessed it - unsolved mysteries. Most of the stories around here surrounded unsolved disappearances, murders, UFO sightings, alleged supernatural phenomena, and a few well-known mysteries (like, the hunt for the Loch Ness Monster, the 1947 Roswell incident, the Atlanta Child Murders controversy, the alleged "Son of Sam" killings conspiracy, and the deaths of several well-known celebrities). Each case was quite intriguing and well-documented. I watched each episode closely and carefully. This was a great show.

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Mixed opinion
v-2664019 February 2021
This series was great to uncover crimes, unexplained deaths, missing persons cases and did their best it it at a time with a high level of details and events reconstructions.

However it was bad idea was to add all those UFOs garbage, alleged ghosts, haunted houses and other very amusing at best paranormal X-files like stories. These all are not based on science and not backed up. Funniest thing is except US of A in no country people report ufos. Coincidence? No, they're made up. People who spoke about them did this more for publicity or were attention seekers with only desire to be on TV. OH MOMMA I WANNA BE ON TV, LET'S INVENT UFO STORY!

If series focused only or documented crime stories I would easily give 8/10 But overall 5/10.
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An effective, valuable avenue
4-Kane16 February 2001
Unsolved Mysteries was slammed by critics who just didn't get it. Sure, it featured stories involving ghosts and UFOs, but it served a greater and more valuable purpose: asking for help from viewers in unsolved cases, including: wanted fugitives, missing persons, lost loved ones, and unsolved homicides.

Thanks to this show, more than 280 cases have been solved, and the number just keeps growing (which is now probably past 300). In particular, the show was extremely effective in helping people get reunited with lost loved ones. Unsolved Mysteries helped people, especially when no one else could (or would). Therefore, it is a real shame that the primetime powers-that-be pulled the plug on the series in 1999. I miss this show a lot, and hold on to the hope that it will someday be revived so that it could resume helping the public in finding closure.
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Outstanding Docudrama Series.
AaronCapenBanner30 July 2013
"Unsolved Mysteries" was another(long-running) series that was done with remarkable skill, creating atmospheric segments around the paranormal cases like Ghosts & UFOs that make it a close second only to "In Search Of..." in terms of quality.

Robert Stack was a perfect choice as host, presenting the cases with his trademark seriousness and determination, amplified by his distinctive cadence in speech, that made him legendary. Sometimes skeptical, but always respectful; the man who once played Eliot Ness was often intimidating in how he narrated the unsolved murder or fugitive segments, and you sometimes thought he would go out on the hunt personally if given the chance!

Only selected segments are on seven DVD sets(now out-of-print); hopefully a complete series release can one day happen!

Update: All 12 seasons(NBC, CBS, Lifetime) are now available for streaming from Amazon Prime, though still not re-released on DVD!
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The Greatest Show!
weiss_hubbard_ford3 June 2005
I have been watching this show for very long time. In 1992 or 1993, Unsolved Mysteries aired the murder case of Huey Long and they proved that Dr.Carl Austin Weiss did not kill Huey Long, but in fact punched the senator in the mouth. In 1994, there was Bigfoot in Oregon which was very interesting, because I believe that some bigfoot sightings are real and some could be a man in an ape suit. The most superior one was the Mothman episode which aired in 2002. I wished they would have had one on the Lusitania, because the second explosion that sunk the Lusitania was never solved! There was also the murder of Chicago gangster Big Jim Colosimo who was shot to death twice,the mysterious murder of Legs Diamond in 1931.
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New website hoping to bring back series and help viewers
laceygainesmurder19 July 2014
This was such a wonderful show, a real original. I hope they are able to make a come back. Recently they have updated their website with a whole new look. They recently featured the murder of a young woman by the name of Lacey Gaines. You can see her edited video created by the Official Unsolved Mysteries at The site also take tips and there is a contact form to submit your story. They are very professional and helpful. I hope all fans will take the time to visit their new site and feel free to comment and share. This show is unique and needs to go on helping those who believe in truth and justice. Let's help keep the show going by showing our support. Thank you.
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A great (if not completely outdated) show.
TheEmulator2323 April 2008
I grew up watching this show every week. This was the the precursor to all the hack reality shows (Big Brother, Survivor, Bachleor, & Girlicious to name a few) that we now have. The difference is that those were INTERESTING and true. I have never known Robert Stack as anything other than the "Unsolved Mysteries guy." In fact if it wasn't for him the show might have never had the huge audience and following that it had. I now know that he was quite the accomplished actor, especially in the classic comedy "Airplane." I loved the way the program was done and I thought it was great that all the stories were true and that a lot of them were solved. I didn't realize that it had 15 seasons as I probably only watched about 5 to 7 of them, but the seasons I did watch I loved. Would I recommend this show now? Well I honestly don't remember too much about it except that Robert Stacks voice always reminds me, even now, of someone who has gone missing.
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An excellent true crime television show.
lakenstein15 August 2008
This was a very well made, incredibly excellent TV show, that while a little cheesy has actually helped solve crimes, which makes it worthwhile anyway.. of course not all cases were solved. However the show was very professional, a great host, good information about the cases, including interviews from the victims families and such. A excellent television show that I am glad is coming back to TV thanks to Spike TV, hopefully they won't ruin this show, and Dennis Faraia (is that how you spell it?) will be at least half as good as Robert Stack was. Here's to hoping the new remake will close the books on a few cases and bring peace to the deceased... and be better then America's Most Wanted. (I mostly dislike that show because there's something about John Walsh I can't stand. I'm glad it helps get criminals off the streets and all but that guy just makes me go crazy) Unsolved Mysteries IS in the top 3 of True-Crime shows and hopefully the new remake will be just as good as it was before. I give this show a 9/10, as it is not perfect, as sometimes some of the re-enactments are just wayy too cheesy.
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Chilling and so real
safenoe16 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The opening scene of Unsolved Mysteries ranks alongside Tales from the Darkside as incredibly chilling opening themes, and I can remember Karl "The Streets of San Francisco" Malden hosting the first few episodes of Unsolved Mysteries.

The series debuted just as George Bush Snr launched his "1000 points of light" presidential campaign, continuing a kindler and gentler version of Reagan's eight years in the White House. I don't know if 1000 mysteries were solved, but I know some were solved, so that was enlightening.

I remember one touching episode where an Asian-American was searching for his fellow African-American soldier who protected him from racist whites during the Vietnam war. I recall this was solved, so good to know.
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Great Show, And Important (SPOILERS)
I_Am_The_Taylrus13 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Now, I have only seen a couple episodes of Unsolved Mysteries, but when it is on every now and then, I watch it. To be honest, I wish it was on more often. This is a great show. It is also very important for the viewer, because remember, everything in the show is real. Real and true. Some stories are really creepy, some are sad, some are spooky, some are just down right horrifying. Either way, no matter what the story is, it is real.

Here is the basis of Unsolved Mysteries. Robert Stack hosts this show. The viewer is shown a story. The story is a real life story about UFO sightings, murders, missing people, and so forth. They usually end up in a mystery, hence the title "Unsolved Mysteries." There are re-enactments of the story, and there are also interviews with the people in the story. Robert then tells the viewers that if they have any information about the story, contact them. The viewers do help, because in almost every episode, they show the conclusion to the story with the help of the viewer.

Overall, this is a great show. I wish it was still on, but you know, Robert Stack is dead so I do not think that will happen anytime soon. I encourage you to watch this show when it is on, not for the pure entertainment, but because of the importance of the show. It tells you what can happen in real life. Anyway, this is an important show that is not only exciting and tense, but it is also fantastic.


Recommended Shows: America's Most Wanted.
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loved it!
mattkratz28 December 2000
I miss this show. I consider it to be one of the best TV programs ever made. Robert Stack was perfect as host, and if you get a chance to see it reruns, do not pass it up.

The segments featuring an unsolved case were A-1. I loved every one of the episodes, and it was as close to perfect as a tv show will ever get.

**** out of ****
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Never ages...
Kristen-angela-colby18 April 2020
I've watched this show multiple times (currently reruns). Ever since I was a kid this show has held my interest. I wish it would be brought back.
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Undoubtedly a classic.
Analog_Devotee2 August 2021
To this day, I can't help but plop down into my chair when reruns of this show pop up. Wonderful spine-tingling mysteries accentuated by Robert Stack's impeccable hosting and narration. Ah, what a classic!
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Why don't they still make new episodes?
hchais9 May 2007
This show is my favorite show of all time. It is the perfect show for when you want to watch a scary mystery program. And I mean scary. RobertStack's voice is just chilling to the bone. I don't get why they use him. I mean, is it the fact that its a scary show? But he's still a good host. He always wears a scary trench coat and is always in a scary building. Its very scary. Its true. There are stories of UFOs, ghosts, unexplained deaths, robbery, missing people, wanted fugitives and suspects. Its scary. my cousin's friend used to be the neighbor of a man that looked just like a person in a wanted suspect story and the day of the broadcast, that man moved away! That's about as scary as they come. I wish they still made new episodes. This was a great show. 10/10
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