The original version of the film ran a total of two hours and thirty eight minutes, but was cut to one hour and thirty eight minutes by the distributor back in 1983.
This was the first shot on video film that was blown up to 35MM and released in theatres in 1983.
Slasher // Video released a 30th Anniversary DVD with an extensive amount of extras, including several songs from the band Lightstorm as well as including for the first time the original 2hr 38 min Dir cut
Two of John Wintergate's credits contained errors. For his directorial credit, he was cited as "Johnn," for his acting role he was supposed to have been credited as "Hank Adley" but instead "Hawk Adley" was written.
Michael Burke, who portrayed the lawyer, was really director/star John Wintergate's lawyer, and the scene was shot in his real office.
The exterior of the Camilla Sanitarium was actually a church, and the man who walks out of the door was the church's real-life pastor.
The kids who walk by when Jim arrives at the house were the children of writer/director/star John Wintergate and star Kalassu.