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An American Werewolf in London (1981) Poster

Griffin Dunne: Jack Goodman



  • David : Nurse!

    Jack : Listen to me!

    David : [crying]  Nurse!

    Jack : The undead surround me. Have you ever talked to a corpse? It's boring! I'm lonely! Kill yourself, David, before you kill others.

    [David continues crying] 

    Jack : Please don't cry.

  • Jack : It's a full moon...

    Jack , David : [remembering the warning they received]  Beware the moon...

    David : And stick to the road. Oops.

    Jack : I vote we go back to the Slaughtered Lamb.

  • Jack : Did you hear that?

    David : I heard that.

    Jack : What was it?

    David : Could be a lot of things.

    Jack : Yeah?

    David : A coyote.

    Jack : There aren't any coyotes in England.

    David : The Hound of the Baskervilles.

    Jack : Pecos Bill.

    David : Heathcliff.

    Jack : Heathcliff didn't howl!

    David : No, but he was on the moors.

  • Jack : Now, I'm really sorry to be upsetting you, but I have to warn you.

    David : Warn me?

    Jack : We were attacked by a werewolf.

    David : [putting his hands over his ears]  I'm not listening to this!

    Jack : On the moors, we were attacked by a lycanthrope, a werewolf. I was murdered, an unnatural death, and now I walk the earth in limbo until the werewolf's curse is lifted.

    David : Shut up!

    Jack : The wolf's bloodline must be severed; the last remaining werewolf must be destroyed. It's you, David.

  • Jack : [describing his funeral]  Debbie Klein cried a lot. So, so, you know what she does? She's soooo grief-stricken, she runs to find solace in Mark Levine's bed.

    David : Mark... Levine?

    Jack : An asshole! Life mocks me even in death!

  • Jack : Have you ever talked to a corpse? It's boring.

  • Dart Player : You made me miss.

    Jack : Sorry.

    Dart Player : I've never missed that board before.

  • Jack : David, you are hurting my feelings!

    David : Hurting your feelings? Has it occurred to you that it might be unsettling to see you arise from the grave to visit me?

  • David : [sees Jack's reflection in bathroom mirror and shrieks]  You're not real.

    Jack : Ah, don't be a putz, David. Come here.

    [motions, walks out of bathroom and looks inside bedroom door] 

    Jack : A nurse, huh?

    David : [closes bedroom door]  Shhh. Come on.

    [motions and walks to living room] 

    David : What are you doing here?

    Jack : I wanted to see you.

    [picks up Mickey Mouse figure, moves its arm and uses high-pitched voice] 

    Jack : Hi, David!

    David : Put that down! Okay, you've seen me. Now, go away.

    Jack : I'm sorry I'm upsetting you, David, but you don't understand what's going on.

    David : I understand all right. You're one of the "undead," and I'm a werewolf.

    Jack : Yes, that's right.

    David : Get out of here, Jack.

    Jack : Tomorrow night's the full moon. You're gonna change. You'll become...

    Jack : I know. I know. A monster.

    Jack : You've gotta kill yourself, David, before it's too late.

    David : Are you really dead, Jack?

    Jack : What do you think?

    David : I think I've lost my mind. I think you're not real. I think you're just another part of bad dream.

    Jack : You've gotta believe me David.

    David : Believe what? That tomorrow night, under the full moon, I'll sprout hair and fangs and eat people? Bullshit!

    Jack : Oh, goddammit, David, please believe me! You'll kill and make others like me. I'm not havin' a nice time here. You've gotta take your own life.

    David : I will not accept this. Go away.

    Jack : This is not pretend, David.

    David : I will not be threatened by a walking meatloaf!

  • [first lines] 

    Truck Driver : That way is Proctor, and over here is the moors. I go this way.

    Jack : Thanks for the ride, sir. You have lovely sheep.

    Truck Driver : Boys, keep off the moors, stick to the roads. The best to ya...

    David : Thanks again.

    [then to the sheep] 

    David : We'll miss you.

    David : Bye girls...

  • [Appearing for the first time as the undead] 

    Jack : Can I have a piece of toast?

  • Jack : Ah, fuck, David... what IS THAT?

  • Jack : Those sheep shit on my pack.

  • Jack : [to the truck driver]  You have very beautiful sheep.

  • Jack : It's a pentangle, a five-pointed star. It's used in witchcraft. Lon Chaney, Jr., at Universal Studios maintained that's the mark of the Wolf Man.

  • Jack : Life mocks me... even in Death!

  • David : I think Debbie Klein is a mediocre person with a good body.

    Jack : There is nothing mediocre about Debbie Klein's body.

    David : She's a jerk!

    Jack : You're talking about the woman I love.

    David : I'm talking about a girl you want to fuck, so give me a break.

    Jack : Alright. Well, I have to make love to her. It's really very simple. She has not choice.

    David : You know, it just fascinates me how much energy you spend on somebody so dull.

    Jack : There's nothing dull - about that body.

    David : We've known Debbie - what? Since the 8th grade? How many years of foreplay is that?

    Jack : She says she likes me too much.

  • Jack : You scared me, you shithead!

  • David : I could hang myself.

    Jack : No. No, if you did it wrong it could be painful. You'd choke to death.

  • Jack : Excuse me,

    [pointing at the star on the wall] 

    Jack : What's that star on the wall for?

  • Jack : You're right, it is a pub.

    David : Okay, well, what do you say? We go in for a little food, huh? Drink, rest?

    Jack : The Slaughtered Lamb?

    David : [notices that the sign has a wolf head instead of a lamb]  That's kinda strange.

    Jack : Where's the lamb?

    David : It's probably inside getting cold, come on.

    Jack : No, really. What kind of ad is that for a pub?

    David : I don't know, would you rather the Hilton?

    Jack : Alright, but whatever happens-- it's your fault.

    David : It's my fault.

    Jack : Right.

    David : Alright, come on.

  • Jack : Beware the moon, David.

  • Jack : Remember the Alamo.

    Barmaid : I beg your pardon?

    David : Oh, he was just joking.

    Barmaid : Joking? I remember the Alamo. I saw it once in London... in Leicester Square.

    Chess Player : She means in the Cinema--that film with John Wayne.

    Jack : Right, with Laurence Harvey. Everyone died in it. Very bloody.

    Chess Player : Bloody awful, if you ask me.

    [he and the bar patrons laugh uproariously] 

  • Jack : Yes, uh, do you have any hot soup?

    Barmaid : No.

    David : Well, do you have any coffee then?

    Barmaid : No.

    Jack : Do you have any hot chocolate?

    Barmaid : We've spirits and beers. If its something hot you want, you can have tea.

    Jack : Then you have tea?

    Barmaid : No. But I can make some for you if you like?

    Jack , David : Oh, yes please.

  • Jack : Oh shit David. What is that?

  • David : Say, "knock, knock."

    Jack : Knock knock.

    David : Who's there?

    Jack : Who?

    David : Ha, now don't you get it?

    Jack : What?

    David : You don't get that joke? Alright, here, I'll try another. Alright, say, "knock, knock."

    Jack : What?

    David : Say, "knock, knock."

    Jack : Who's there?

    David : No, no, no, no. You say, "knock, knock."

    Jack : Knock, knock.

    David : Who's there?

    Jack : Who?

    David : No--

    [they both start laughing] 

  • Jack : [appears as an undead spirit]  Can I have a piece of toast?

    David : Get the fuck outta here, Jack.

    Jack : Thanks a lot.

    David : No. I can't take this. Am I asleep now, or awake or what?

    Jack : I realize I don't look so hot, David... but I thought you'd be glad to see me.

    [David is silent] 

    Jack : David! You're hurting my feelings.

    David : Hurting your feelings? Has it occurred to you that it might be unsettling to see you rise from the grave to visit me?

    Jack : Sorry to be upsetting you, David, but I had to come.

    David : Aren't supposed to be buried someplace in New York?

    Jack : Yeah. Your parents came to my funeral. I was surprised at how many people came.

    David : Well why should you be surprised? You were a very well liked person.

    Jack : Yeah. I was, wasn't I?

    David : Well, I liked you.

    Jack : Debbie Klein cried a lot.

    David : Oh God. Am I asleep now or what?

    Jack : So, so you know what she does? She's so grief-stricken she runs to find solace in Mark Levine's bed.

    David : Mark Levine?

    Jack : An asshole. Life mocks me even in death.

    David : I'm going completely crazy.

    Jack : [suddenly shouting]  DAVID!

    David : What?

    Jack : Now I'm really sorry to be upsetting you, but I have to warn you.

    David : Warn me?

    Jack : We were attacked by a werewolf.

    David : [covering his ears]  I'm not listening to this.

    Jack : On the moors. We were attacked by a lycanthrope. A werewolf. I was murdered. An unnatural death. And now I walk the earth in limbo until the werewolf's curse is lifted.

    David : Shut up.

    Jack : The wolf's bloodline must be severed. The last remaining werewolf must be destroyed. It's you, David.

    David : What?

    Jack : Please believe me. You'll kill people.

    David : Nurse!

    Jack : Listen to me!

    David : Nurse!

    Jack : The supernatural, the power of darkness... it's all true. The undead surround me. Have you ever talked to a corpse? It's boring. I'm lonely. Take your life, David. Kill yourself... before you kill others.

    [David is crying] 

    Jack : Please don't cry.

    [hears Alex coming] 

    Jack : Beware the moon, David.

  • Jack : [as everyone in the pub is laughing]  Excuse me, but what's that star on the wall for?

    [the dart player misses the board everyone grows silent] 

    Dart Player : [pointing his finger at Jack]  You made me miss.

    Jack : Sorry.

    Dart Player : I've never missed that board before.

    David : Uh, Jack, we'd better go.

    Jack : Are you kidding, I'm starved.

    Dart Player : There's no food here.

    David : Shall we go, Jack?

    Jack : Apparently so.

    Barmaid : You can't let them go.

    David : Um, how much do we owe you?

    Chess Player : Nothing lads. Go. God be with you.

    Jack : Oh, thank you.

    Barmaid : [in a worried tone]  WAIT! You just can't let them go!

    Chess Player : Go. Stay on the road. Keep clear of the moors.

    David : [zips up his jacket]  Thank you.

    Chess Player : Beware the moon, lads.

    David : Yeah.

    Jack : [as they're leaving]  What the hell was that all about.

    David : I don't know, let's go up the road and see if there's an inn or something.

    Jack : Beware the moon?

    David : Yeah I know, Jack, but come on, will ya? I'm freezing.

    Jack : Where the hell are we going?

    David : I don't know, anywhere. I just want to get away from The Slaughtered Lamb.

    Jack : Where to now, Kessler, "The Duck's Breath?"

    David : Okay, look it, I'm sorry. I'm sure we'll find something else.

    Jack : Weird fucking place.

    David : It was, man, but boy, they could play darts.

  • David : Hi, Jack.

    Jack : Hi, David.

    David : Good movie.

    Jack : Mm-hmm.

    David : What can I say, Jack?

    Jack : I don't have to say anything, David.

    David : Aren't you going to say "I told you so?"

    Jack : If I were still alive, I probably would. But I did tell you so you schmuck.

    David : You look awful.

    Jack : Thank you.

    David : I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I don't know what I'm saying. I don't even know if it was me that killed those people last night. I don't remember doing it.

    Jack : What about the zoo?

    David : Well, even if I'm not the Wolf Man, I'm crazy enough to do something like that. And look at me, here I sit in a porno theatre in Piccadilly Circus talking to a corpse. I'm actually glad to see ya, Jack

    Jack : I want you to meet some people. David Kessler, this is Gerald Bringsley. Gerald's the man you murdered on the subway. We thought it best for you not to see him, as he's a fresh kill and still pretty messy.

    Gerald Bringsley : Yes. I do look most unpleasant.

    David : Why are you doing this to me?

    Gerald Bringsley : This isn't Mr. Goodman's idea. He's your good friend. Whereas I am a victim of your carnivorous lunar activities.

    David : Mr. Bringsley, I'm sorry. I have absolutely no idea what to say to you.

    Gerald Bringsley : You've left my wife a widow and my children fatherless. And I understand, I am to walk the earth and limbo, one of the living dead until the wolf's bloodline is severed and the curse lifted. You must die, David Kessler.

    Jack : David? This is Harry Berman and his fiancee Judith Browns.

    Harry Berman : Hello.

    Judith Browns : Hello.

    Jack : And each gentleman are Alf, Ted, and Joseph.

    Ted : Can't say we're pleased to meet you, Mr Kessler.

    David : What shall I do?

    Jack : Suicide.

    Harry Berman : You must take your own life.

    David : That's easy for you to say. You're already dead.

    Gerald Bringsley : No, David. Harry and I and everyone you murdered or not dead. The undead.

    David : Why are you doing this to me?

    Jack : Because this must be stopped.

  • David : How shall I do it?

    Judith Browns : Sleeping pills?

    Ted : Not sure enough.

    David : I could hang myself.

    Jack : No. No, if you did it wrong, it could be painful. You'd choke to death.

    Joseph : So what? Let him choke!

    Jack : [defensively]  Do you mind? The man's a friend of mine!

    Joseph : Well, he ain't no friend to me.

    Gerald Bringsley : Gentleman, please.

    Harry Berman : A gun!

    Ted : I know where you can get a gun.

    David : Don't I need a silver bullet or something?

    Jack : Oh, be serious, would you?

    David : [puts his hand on face]  Madness.

    Harry Berman : No, a gun would be good.

    Judith Browns : Yes, you just put the gun to your forehead and pull the trigger.

    Gerald Bringsley : But if you put it in your mouth, you'd be sure not to miss.

    David : [sarcastically]  Thank you. You're all so thoughtful.

    Alf : A knife!

    Harry Berman : An electric shock!

    Judith Browns : A car crash!

    Gerald Bringsley : You could throw yourself in front of a tube.

    Ted : Drowning.

See also

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