Jonah takes his son to see "The Empire Strikes Back." At the time, Paul Simon was dating Carrie Fisher, who stars in Empire Strikes Back as Princess Leia.
During the film's opening credits, Paul Simon & co. (The Jonah Levin Band) are shown driving through what is ostensibly a highway between Cleveland's airport and The City. The footage is actually of Route 22, in Union, New Jersey.
Floyd Vivino was supposed to appear in this film as the night club owner, but none of his scenes made the final cut.
During the party held after the 'Solute to the Sixties Night' show, the music 'Take Me to The Mardi Gras' can clearly be heard, which is a song written by Paul Simon, while made a hip-hop classic by Bob James. The song in the film is Bob James version from his album 'Two.'