A few of the one-liners are snappy and clever, but the project sinks under an overelaborated superciliousness.
The New York TimesVincent Canby
The New York TimesVincent Canby
It's not a question of too little, too late, but of too much, too long.
Time Out
Time Out
From a character conceived by Mel Brooks', reads the blurb, and there are various nods to his style of humour throughout this bitty spoof. But the rest relies more on technology than style, and on mediocre effects that can't carry the plot.
This feeble attempt to revive the characters from the popular TV series "Get Smart" copies the show, but without the sharp humor that made it so popular.
Chicago TribuneGene Siskel
Chicago TribuneGene Siskel
The quality of a movie comedy varies indirectly with the number of times someone in it is punched or kicked in the groin. On that score alone, "The Nude Bomb" is a bust. [09 May 1980, p.29]