76 reviews
Night of the Demon is one of the infamous video nasties that was banned in Britain. It was finally released in 1994 with 1 minute and 41 seconds cut. It became most famous for its depictions of castration, dismemberment, stabbings and disemboweling.
The description tells you this is a gory version of Bigfoot. What it doesn't tell you is how funny it can be. In the second attack, two people are going at it in their van in the woods when Bigfoot pulls the man out of the van and bloodies him up. The girl (Jennifer West) is all naked and screaming at the sight of her bloodied lover. I swear her screams sounded like she was having an orgasm.
Bigfoot grabs another camper, still in his sleeping bag, and twirls him round and round before throwing him into a tree with a broken branch.
You might want to watch where you whip it out to relieve yourself. You never know what's in the bushes, and you might lose some valuable equipment.
They find Crazy Wanda (Melanie Graham), who was raped by Bigfoot, and had it's baby. Of course Bigfoot came by and the real carnage began.
Picture is fuzzy most of the time, and the acting is not that great. Music is irritating, but there is a lot of blood for the nasty fans.
The description tells you this is a gory version of Bigfoot. What it doesn't tell you is how funny it can be. In the second attack, two people are going at it in their van in the woods when Bigfoot pulls the man out of the van and bloodies him up. The girl (Jennifer West) is all naked and screaming at the sight of her bloodied lover. I swear her screams sounded like she was having an orgasm.
Bigfoot grabs another camper, still in his sleeping bag, and twirls him round and round before throwing him into a tree with a broken branch.
You might want to watch where you whip it out to relieve yourself. You never know what's in the bushes, and you might lose some valuable equipment.
They find Crazy Wanda (Melanie Graham), who was raped by Bigfoot, and had it's baby. Of course Bigfoot came by and the real carnage began.
Picture is fuzzy most of the time, and the acting is not that great. Music is irritating, but there is a lot of blood for the nasty fans.
- lastliberal
- Jun 20, 2009
- Permalink
If jaws had you afraid to get into the water, this film will make you afraid to pee in the woods.
This is probably the roughest entry you'll find in the classic cinema-de-sasquatch genre. While it doesn't manage to be very creepy, or overtly scary, it does manage to be gory (if you can get your hands on the uncut version). Frankly, it is what it is, and if you like B-horror films of this time period, or are a Bigfootiphile, you'll enjoy it. however, if you are looking to truly be frightened, I'd move on.
With themes like castration and bestiality, it deserves a remake!
This is probably the roughest entry you'll find in the classic cinema-de-sasquatch genre. While it doesn't manage to be very creepy, or overtly scary, it does manage to be gory (if you can get your hands on the uncut version). Frankly, it is what it is, and if you like B-horror films of this time period, or are a Bigfootiphile, you'll enjoy it. however, if you are looking to truly be frightened, I'd move on.
With themes like castration and bestiality, it deserves a remake!
- maxwelldrake
- Mar 15, 2006
- Permalink
I'm not even sure whether I like this movie or not. It's just flat out bizarre. It's also extremely disturbing in several parts.
First of all, the movie was made in 1980, but it looks like a mid- 1970's film. There are a lot of landscape shots with 1970's-style Chicago-esque/smooth jazz/rock music playing in the background. Everyone is wearing flannel shirts for some reason. The dialog is really boring and drawn out.
But beyond all that, Bigfoot is definitely the star of the show and allows the film to entice you to finish the movie. The gore and kills are really good for the time.
There's some really disturbing scenes which went a little too far though. Some guy's dick gets ripped off and you actually SEE it... In another scene "Wanda" is on her porch getting whipped by her father for some stupid reason. Then at one point during Wanda's flashback, the movie gets VERY preachy. There's a shot in Wanda's bedroom where it just shows a bunch of pictures of Jesus Christ, the cross and Holy Mary, with like church music playing in the background. O.o For some reason, this part of the movie feels like you're no longer in the year 1980, but more like the late 1800's- early 1900's...
Then Bigfoot comes and rapes Wanda! Why? I don't know... Her father doesn't do anything, he's just like "You deserve it!" O.O
Then later, Wanda gives birth to a log of moving feces....... Literally... That's what it looked like. =w=
Anyway, I won't tell the rest of what happens... It's really strange... Like I said, I don't know whether I like it or not. I guess it's passable for the super low budget it likely had. It was able to keep me watching it till the end... o-o
First of all, the movie was made in 1980, but it looks like a mid- 1970's film. There are a lot of landscape shots with 1970's-style Chicago-esque/smooth jazz/rock music playing in the background. Everyone is wearing flannel shirts for some reason. The dialog is really boring and drawn out.
But beyond all that, Bigfoot is definitely the star of the show and allows the film to entice you to finish the movie. The gore and kills are really good for the time.
There's some really disturbing scenes which went a little too far though. Some guy's dick gets ripped off and you actually SEE it... In another scene "Wanda" is on her porch getting whipped by her father for some stupid reason. Then at one point during Wanda's flashback, the movie gets VERY preachy. There's a shot in Wanda's bedroom where it just shows a bunch of pictures of Jesus Christ, the cross and Holy Mary, with like church music playing in the background. O.o For some reason, this part of the movie feels like you're no longer in the year 1980, but more like the late 1800's- early 1900's...
Then Bigfoot comes and rapes Wanda! Why? I don't know... Her father doesn't do anything, he's just like "You deserve it!" O.O
Then later, Wanda gives birth to a log of moving feces....... Literally... That's what it looked like. =w=
Anyway, I won't tell the rest of what happens... It's really strange... Like I said, I don't know whether I like it or not. I guess it's passable for the super low budget it likely had. It was able to keep me watching it till the end... o-o
"Night of the Demon" is so cheesy it's good. A college professor brings several of his students into the woods for no apparent reason other than to get killed. While out there, he shares exactly one tale each night about previous attacks of the Bigfoot, which we get to see in all their cheap special effect splendor. They find a backwoods woman who had a child with this creature (actually a somewhat interesting subplot) and end up trapped in her house when the Bigfoot finally attacks the hapless campers.
Lots of blood. Lots of hilariously bad dialogue. My favorite line involves the use of the phrase "anthropoid-like effigy". It takes everyone in this movie a day and a half to die from the creature's attacks. Lots of shots of the forest. Lots of blood. A semi-decent looking Bigfoot monster. And lots of blood. Would recommend a double-billing of this movie with "Legend of Boggy Creek", if you can find a copy of either one, that is.
Lots of blood. Lots of hilariously bad dialogue. My favorite line involves the use of the phrase "anthropoid-like effigy". It takes everyone in this movie a day and a half to die from the creature's attacks. Lots of shots of the forest. Lots of blood. A semi-decent looking Bigfoot monster. And lots of blood. Would recommend a double-billing of this movie with "Legend of Boggy Creek", if you can find a copy of either one, that is.
"Night of the Demon" clearly shows it's a work of passion and love. It even manages to make a good atmosphere and has some cool ideas, but sadly lack of budget and talent resulted in this mess. Acting is sometimes passable, but often atrocious to the point it becomes comic, murder scenes have to be seen to be believed, bigfoot is basically a dude with fur on his body and any kind of scares are out of the question. Some nudity is also thrown in the mix. There are pieces of a good movie scrambled throughout this hour and a half mess, so if you are a genre fan, grab a mate, some bear and enjoy the stupidity and cheese and laugh at the murder scenes. Everyone else, avoid this one. 5.5/10!
- markovd111
- Aug 10, 2022
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It started as a cool bad movie, it was so bad it became funny and had some small gore in it but when i kept watching it became worse every minute and at one point it just wasn't 'that' funny anymore but rather a chore to make it till the end..
The gore was the reason i watched the movie and don't get me wrong, i love bad cheesy horror movies, but this was just painfully bad and i was kinda disappointed in the gore there was just to much talk and too little gore.
Making long story short: Gore was disappointing and didn't made up for the terrible acting/story/movie.
The gore was the reason i watched the movie and don't get me wrong, i love bad cheesy horror movies, but this was just painfully bad and i was kinda disappointed in the gore there was just to much talk and too little gore.
Making long story short: Gore was disappointing and didn't made up for the terrible acting/story/movie.
- pieterjanspiessens
- Aug 30, 2018
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I was introduced to this movie by a fellow Bigfoot buff friend of mine who had found a copy of this oh-so-rare film. When he said I was in for a treat, I had no idea. This movie screams to be massacred on MST3K. A college professor takes a few of his students out to some small island searching for Bigfoot. While there, the professor tells the kids many tales of people and their fatal encounters with Bigfoot. The flashbacks contain hilariously bad special effects and Bigfoot doing just plain silly things. I wouldn't want to ruin any points of this masterpiece for all you other "Z-Movie" fans out there. All I can say is, that you'll laugh til it hurts with this one (if you can find a copy of the movie, that it. It is rather difficult to find).
A taste of the worst the '80s could offer. It is poorly executed in every sense, the kind of movie to watch high with your friends. Go ahead, do it.
- Fernando-Rodrigues
- Apr 23, 2021
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- insomniac_rod
- Apr 16, 2006
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A professor and his students trek out into the wilderness in search of Bigfoot. This movie is surprisingly much more gory than I was expecting, but mixed with at times passable acting and kills that seem to bring more laughter than fear this Bigfoot horror movie falls flat on its back. Now I must say the music by Stuart Hardy and Dennis McCarthy in the movie is actually quite good. Problem is when your theme over the opening credits uses a flute as its main instrument it doesn't bring fear. Probably would be a finalist for the happiest music in a horror film of 1980. The humour as well that the movie tries to attempt is pretty clumsy. In the end you will be laughing unintentionally. Some times though those make good bad movies (I would put this movie into that category) to watch with buddies over a couple of beers. If you do end up watching this horror flick you might see where they got the sleeping bag kill for FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VII: THE NEW BLOOD. Additionally, after Professor Nugent (Michael Cutt) tells the story about the motorcyclist I would have packed my things, ran home and NEVER hunted the Bigfoot.
- ryan-10075
- Jan 19, 2019
- Permalink
This film is the definition of "so bad it's good"! Night of the Demon boasts some of the most atrocious production values in the scenes with it's human characters - yet this somehow adds to the reality of the sequences featuring Bigfoot - enhancing it in an almost documentary cinema verite sort of way. If you don't ask for too much depth and pretentiousness from of your horror you could be very happy with what you find here! Unintentionally hilarious at times, gruesome at others, Night of the Demon even manages to be slightly chilling in some moments.Night of the Demon features all the things that make cheesy horror great: bad acting, slimy gore, gratuitous nudity, and BIGFOOT! Night of the Demon may mot be the greatest Bigfoot movie ever - but it is surely the most fun!
- world_of_weird
- May 26, 2005
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This might have been made on the cheap, but there are several odd and perverse ideas and themes in here to make it worth watching. It also doesn't skimp on the gore, so it has to be the bloodiest Bigfoot movie out there.
- tysonrowlands
- May 10, 2022
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Find another bigfoot movie that has a guy getting his dick yanked off by a Sasquatch! I nearly pulled a hamstring running to shut the TV off when I saw that scene! The red stuff flows throughout the film. Ol' Bigfoot even uses a guy's entrails as an offensive weapon. "Legend of Boggy Creek" will always be #1 to this Bigfoot fan, but "Night of the Demon" is the Bigfoot film genre's "weird uncle that nobody likes to talk about". I suggest you haunt your local video stores until you find a copy. I believe it was last released in the US in the late 80's on the Gemstone Entertainment budget label.
- face_of_terror
- Dec 19, 2004
- Permalink
Night Of The Demon is, for the most part, completely unwatchable garbage. The format used to tell the story is extremely confusing, what we get is flashback after flashback and it soon becomes unclear who is even having these flashbacks. The only remotely interesting aspect is the gore, and even that isn't very good. The effects used are extremely crude. The biker castration scene is nowhere near as spectacular as other reviewers would have you believe - all you see is the man holding his crotch as blood pours down his pants. The scene at the end where Bigfoot uses a mans intestines as a whip is also less spectacular than it sounds. The only bit I liked was when he swings a sleeping bag around his head with a man still inside.
I was thoroughly disappointed with this film. It's nowhere near as good as it sounds and is likely to induce sleep. Only recommended to those collecting the full "video nasties" list - Night Of The Demon is in the same league as Don't Go In The Woods Alone, only much much worse.
I was thoroughly disappointed with this film. It's nowhere near as good as it sounds and is likely to induce sleep. Only recommended to those collecting the full "video nasties" list - Night Of The Demon is in the same league as Don't Go In The Woods Alone, only much much worse.
Thanks to YouTube, I have seen 'Night of the Demon' the uncut version. Most people say 'its bad its good' but in my opinion its awful. The acting is horrible, the music is horrible and story is just plain out boring and awful. I'm glad that this movie didn't get an official DVD release. There is some on eBay and Amazon, heck, I don't care if people want to buy this and waste there money on this awful thing you call a 'cult classic' ,but the film is in such bad quality from a VHS transfer. The story is slow, Bigfoot looks like a rejected Chewbacca, the ending is in slow motion, the overuse of roars and growls and the characters are unmemorable. Even though there is gore, the gore is just unbearable to watch. There are many people who like this kind of stuff...but not me.
- tommystans
- Apr 14, 2012
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It would be quite funny if someone was to buy this film thinking it was the 1950's classic. Where that film was subtle and atmospheric, this 1980 film
well it isn't.
This is a gore movie about Bigfoot. The Sasquatch in this film is basically a murderous maniac who goes around tearing people apart. The creature looked a bit like how I imagine 80's mullet-headed kids TV presenter Pat Sharpe would look if he ever were to suffer a stroke. All-in-all quite a scary looking beast and one who is not slow to pitch up and kill people for no discernible reason. There is a fair number of bloody slayings in Night of the Demon, many of which are pretty funny if truth be told. This isn't a film that many people will be able to take terribly seriously. But, all things considered, it isn't that bad. It never forgets that its primary purpose is to entertain us and it even ties in a back-story towards the end that is reasonably effective.
The final confrontation is a strange slow-motion massacre. With the Pat Sharpe beast rampaging around killing everyone with a different method. It's quite a strange moment. The film finished not long after that and the overall feeling I had was at least they tried with this one. It might well be trash but it was fun while it lasted.
This is a gore movie about Bigfoot. The Sasquatch in this film is basically a murderous maniac who goes around tearing people apart. The creature looked a bit like how I imagine 80's mullet-headed kids TV presenter Pat Sharpe would look if he ever were to suffer a stroke. All-in-all quite a scary looking beast and one who is not slow to pitch up and kill people for no discernible reason. There is a fair number of bloody slayings in Night of the Demon, many of which are pretty funny if truth be told. This isn't a film that many people will be able to take terribly seriously. But, all things considered, it isn't that bad. It never forgets that its primary purpose is to entertain us and it even ties in a back-story towards the end that is reasonably effective.
The final confrontation is a strange slow-motion massacre. With the Pat Sharpe beast rampaging around killing everyone with a different method. It's quite a strange moment. The film finished not long after that and the overall feeling I had was at least they tried with this one. It might well be trash but it was fun while it lasted.
- Red-Barracuda
- Feb 3, 2011
- Permalink
First off, I love Bigfoot, Sasquatch, The Yeti, Abominable Snowman, whatever you want to call it. I love everything about the mystery of this gigantic ape. So when I heard about a movie that was really gory and that was about a Bigfoot gone crazy, I definitely marked this one down. Well, unfortunately this movie is pretty crappy. The worst aspect is the acting and directing. It's completely bottom of the barrel type stuff, which gives it a pretty high cheese rating. It's a cheesy Bigfoot Slasher flick...sound good? Read on.
Night of the Demon is about Professor Nugent, who travels to a secluded area of woods accompanied by a couple of his students and friends. Nugent and team are there to investigate the town and see if a Bigfoot is actually still alive and kickin. That's pretty much it, it's kind of like a crappy Scooby-Doo episode with some sex and gore thrown in. By the way, the gore itself was pretty good. But that can't make up for the ridiculously bad acting.
Night of the Demon has it's share of moments. It has more than a handful of pretty original deaths, but it also has a whole movie filled with cheesy acting and amateur directing. But if you enjoy cheese in your movies, or if you like bigfoot/slasher/gore flicks, I'd say give this baby a look. 5 outta 10
Night of the Demon is about Professor Nugent, who travels to a secluded area of woods accompanied by a couple of his students and friends. Nugent and team are there to investigate the town and see if a Bigfoot is actually still alive and kickin. That's pretty much it, it's kind of like a crappy Scooby-Doo episode with some sex and gore thrown in. By the way, the gore itself was pretty good. But that can't make up for the ridiculously bad acting.
Night of the Demon has it's share of moments. It has more than a handful of pretty original deaths, but it also has a whole movie filled with cheesy acting and amateur directing. But if you enjoy cheese in your movies, or if you like bigfoot/slasher/gore flicks, I'd say give this baby a look. 5 outta 10
- ElijahCSkuggs
- Dec 12, 2006
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- Smells_Like_Cheese
- May 26, 2011
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There are many films with this title and many there are all excellent or very good but not this one. But, of course, because producer, writer Jim L Ball and director James C Wasson, who ever they are, went as terrible as possible and then it got the attention of the British who decided it should be banned. There are many who were on the list of 'video nasty' and this was one of the ones few people saw it and now realise how poor it is. But, looking at it now, it is clear that every thing was thrown at it and when you realise that every thing is possible that nobody could like it. As with so many we realise that if it had never been banned they would have never been watched any way. Even now the only really watching this rubbish is that there are more interesting special features of 5 1/2 hours which has to have some interest.
- christopher-underwood
- Mar 5, 2022
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- BandSAboutMovies
- Sep 21, 2018
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- theowinthrop
- Dec 1, 2007
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The acting was way beyond bad. Very bad. Not sure what i expected going into this. The blood & gore looked like it was made in a dank basement in one of Hollywood's basements. I did like Big foot. I liked his mask. He was more impressive than anything else. What a face.
Not sure why it was banned unless it has to do with the love scene of he & his bride if you can call it that. They won't show that stuff today. They gonna show it, they can at least extend it and show us in detail. His bride could have showed him some more love. Its obvious he wasn't going to kill her. They should hide nothing in movies, none should be banned. Just show it all. We can take it.
Not sure why it was banned unless it has to do with the love scene of he & his bride if you can call it that. They won't show that stuff today. They gonna show it, they can at least extend it and show us in detail. His bride could have showed him some more love. Its obvious he wasn't going to kill her. They should hide nothing in movies, none should be banned. Just show it all. We can take it.
- QueenoftheGoons
- Aug 31, 2022
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