After Hours starts off tame but slowly gets more and more strange. In general this is an entertaining movie and it will keep you guessing especially the first half of the movie. But tends to fall off towards the end.
Directing is well done, the quintessential dolly zoom on characters isn't missing here, a Scorsese trademark it seems. I love it though and it adds such a level of interest and importance to characters. There's some rotating shots and pans, some cool stuff. Lot's of variety. But nothing felt too special.
Music selection is great, no original score, just actual music from classical to punk rock and oldies. Scorsese does this a lot and they definitely liven up the scenes. Though the acting is the strongest factor for that here.
Acting is great and everyone has got this weird thing about them, none of the characters feel like they can be trusted except the main character and it makes it all the more weird when watching. There's always some way they blow up about something or act odd. It makes for entertaining characters and conversations which of course this movie needs considering it's 90% that. It's character heavy and the characters that are there are fine and acted well.
The ''story''... or more so an experience that main character goes through, is engaging. There's all these links between everyone but whilst some of them work others are just there for the only reason to have a link, even if it makes little sense. In general I think most of the linkage was odd. But I have at theory about all the events that happen, it seems like this entire experience was some sort of play on Hackett. Like everything was set up, like some weird artistic endeavor where they put a random guy in the middle of their art ''show''. Especially towards the end when he meets June. And the room he goes into with all the plaster, on the left in that scene you can see a stack of those bagel cream cheese whatever -paper weights like they were prepared for something. It would explain all the links. And the lack of follow up on the dead girlfriend from the police. And all the timing and distractions from the people he encountered.
That said that's just a theory. It's never said or anything. Generally though it was a pretty good movie.