1 review
This is an old film, but I've only recently seen it.
It's about a woman's struggle in the workplace, a very eighties theme, if you're old enough to remember it. I found that aspect of it well-done. The setting is the iron fields of the upper Midwest. Many of the players seem to be amateurs, which is a source of its charm, in many ways. The small town setting and culture as depicted create an effective ambiance.
But it's also a love story, and I did not find it a very compelling one in terms of the chemistry between the lovers. Lisa Eichhorn as June has pretty eyes, but she's too stoic to be interesting. Tom Bowers as her lover is too old for her and just as big a jerk as her antagonists for much of the picture. Steve Yokam as the evil ex-husband gets to do the most acting and appoints himself well.
The music is pleasingly haunting in places.
But the best thing about this movie is the scenery -- the countryside, Lake Superior, and the lovely Cinda Jackson as Karen, June's best friend.
It's about a woman's struggle in the workplace, a very eighties theme, if you're old enough to remember it. I found that aspect of it well-done. The setting is the iron fields of the upper Midwest. Many of the players seem to be amateurs, which is a source of its charm, in many ways. The small town setting and culture as depicted create an effective ambiance.
But it's also a love story, and I did not find it a very compelling one in terms of the chemistry between the lovers. Lisa Eichhorn as June has pretty eyes, but she's too stoic to be interesting. Tom Bowers as her lover is too old for her and just as big a jerk as her antagonists for much of the picture. Steve Yokam as the evil ex-husband gets to do the most acting and appoints himself well.
The music is pleasingly haunting in places.
But the best thing about this movie is the scenery -- the countryside, Lake Superior, and the lovely Cinda Jackson as Karen, June's best friend.