Cliff De Young credited as playing...
- Hilley: Now, Sunny, we want to take you into our confidence. And I know that we can trust you. Am I right?
- Sunny Davis: Mr. Hilley, my lips are sealed.
- Hilley: Well, that's good. Because what I have to tell you is that...
- Sunny Davis: They could slap me around, keep me awake for days at a time...
- Hilley: I don't think that's what...
- Sunny Davis: They can hang me upside-down and throw stuff in my face.
- Hilley: Yes, yes, I see.
- Sunny Davis: They could keep me in a dark, cold cell without much food or water.
- Hilley: You're a brave girl!
- Sunny Davis: But what they couldn't do is anything with electricity or live snakes because I don't think I could handle it...
- Hilley: He's here on an unofficial visit.
- Sunny Davis: Unofficial?
- Hilley: Officially.
- Sunny Davis: You mean, officially he's here unofficially?
- Hilley: Yes, that's it. That's exactly right.