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At the beginning of the movie, Helen (who clearly wants a spontaneous romantic interlude with Lassiter) is partially undressed by him behind her husband's back. Helen (Belinda Mayne) is shown topless for several seconds before returning to the bathroom.
At one point, Lassiter (Tom Selleck) gives his girlfriend Sara (Jane Seymour) a back massage in bed. She is clearly nude, and her bare buttocks/back are shown briefly. Neither genitalia nor pubic hair are shown.
After a boxing match, one of the boxers (Clive Curtis) is shown nude (from the side/rear) while being bathed by a assistant. Kari (Lauren Hutton) appears to be watching this bathing scene from his front.
After a night spent with a woman (implied sex, nothing is shown) a nude Lassiter gets up from bed and puts on a skimpy woman's robe. His bare buttocks are briefly shown as he stands.
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During a love scene, a minor character is murdered on camera by being stabbed with a stiletto at the base of the skull (bloodless). Police later briefly examine the bloody entry wound.
During a boxing fight, the two fighters and the referee exchange a lot of violent punches and kicking. One character in the audience is splattered with blood from the fight.
After a passionate kiss, a woman bites Lassiter's lip (not surprisingly) resulting in a bloody lip.
After attempting to stab Lassiter with a knife a woman is knocked unconscious after he hits her back.
In one scene a butcher (literally) is shown with blood on his hands.
In another scene, one character attempts to assassinate another by setting off a grenade amidst gasoline containers resulting in a large explosion.
In a few other scenes, soldiers shoot at characters with machine guns (no one is injured).
Finally, after a violent fight between three characters (in which one is knocked unconscious after being hit in the head with the butt of a pistol) one character repeatedly shoots another before he finally falls to the floor dead.
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Cigar and cigarette smoking occurs occasionally throughout the movie. In one scene, a 12-year old boy bums a cigarette off an adult nicknamed 'Smoke'. Other adults quickly take the cigarette away.
Alcohol is also consumed by adults throughout the movie.
Some sort of drug (presumably) is sniffed by one woman twice during a boxing match.