A warrior named Deathstalker is sent on a quest by a witch to find a chalice, an amulet, and a sword, soon he finds himself making new allies whilst battling warriors, creatures and a wizard.
Off the back of Conan the Barbarian (1982) director James Sbardellati's (credited as John Watson) offering is in the vein of The Sword and the Sorcerer (1982) but lacks the scope. Writer Howard R. Cohen's adult orientated plot is paper thin.
Modelled on He-man Rick Hill (with a mix of Peter Weller and Dolphin Lundgren) does a good enough job as Deathstalker. Wearing very little the late Lana Clarkson steals the show. Richard Brooker as Oghris is notable. Gratuitous nudity galore, unnecessary rape, produced by Roger Corman it has all the production pitfalls you'd expect, including cheap sets and choppy editing, but is high in concept and is entertaining for the most part. Óscar Cardozo Ocampo's music raises the production and staged fight scenes, even if a little intrusive at times. The giant pig-man gladiator fight scene setup is a highlight even if nothing like the promotional art. Also the showdown is interesting even if borrowed from Superman II (1980) where Flash Gordon's Ming-like sorcerer Munkar played by Bernard Erhard gets to shine a little.
Overall, it takes itself seriously, it's violent, with wall to wall scantily-clad leads and extras. It has a strange appeal, oozing low budget eighties sword and sorcery shenanigans. One of the better Conan cash-ins, even if the poster art is better than the film.