This was the Sentai series Haim Saban originally used in his pitch for Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers before eventually adapting Zyuranger instead.
The first Super Sentai series to feature a female yellow ranger.
The first Super Sentai series to feature two female rangers.
Haim Saban licensed Bioman and produced a pilot entitled Bio-Man to try and sell the series to American distributors. This effort failed but years later when Margaret Loesch, the president of the Fox Children's Network, was looking for a series to accompany the upcoming series X-Men, Saban showed her Bio-Man. Loesch, who previously tried to bring Sun Vulcan to America, recognized the series as being super sentai and greenlit the show. Saban regained the super sentai license and adapted the then current season Zyuranger as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.