David Mendenhall credited as playing...
- Peter: These aren't real onions, are they? They're some kind of alien yucko onions. Wonder if this is real cheese?
- Peter: Did you buy those rings on all different planets?
- Hawk: Oh, you can't buy rings, rings have to come to you. You either find them, or steal them, or someone gives them to you, but you can't buy them.
- [Hawk is teaching Peter to operate the gunner's panel on a spaceship]
- Hawk: Hey, you did it! That's the kind of things you gotta know when you grow up.
- Peter: When I grow up, I'm gonna have a job, in some office!
- Hawk: Well, you're gonna be the best shot in that office.
- Hawk: Life's a ride, kiddo. You fire up the engines, and you see where they take you. You make friends, and you move on. And all you can do is remember, as best as you can.
- Peter: I'll remember you.