This film is set in Sydney's inner-city share house scene in the early 80s, a world of parties, live music, casual sex, unemployment, drink, drugs, wankers, posers, spongers. And lots of dodgy types hanging around in dirty kitchens. The four girlfriends' solidarity is under pressure due to their attraction to a variety of young men, and their different money worries.
This film captures some of the atmosphere of the era, but is a bit chaotic, and the characters act too erratically to make the film more than an innercity fable. Much of the action takes place on darkened streets or in dingy flats, making it hard to make out what was happening.
The best thing about the film was the inclusion of live performances of a number of Sydney bands of the era, such as James Reyne from Australian Crawl, James Black of Mondo Rock, the Dynamic Hepnotics, the New Christs and Pel Mel.