There are so many things i want to say about "The Georgian House".I was 9 years old when i saw it and i loved it for so many reasons.It was an era when channel three were making superb dramas and sci-fi`s for children,with "Sky", and "Children Of The Stones" being another two superb childrens classics.What struck me most about "The Georgian House"was for one the spooky african vibe,when Dan and Abbie,two students working in a georgian house entered a room containing a strange wooden african-like carving on the table.I remember them sitting around the wooden carving,then with an eerie atmosphere it began to rotate with the room darkening and a haunting whispering calling boy,boy,boy...This sent such an exciting shiver down my spine.Next thing Dan and Abbie were transported back to 1772 where their mission was to help a negro slave boy called Ngo who posesses strange powers to get back to his proper home.What also amazed me was the way they automaticaly became part of that time wearing georgian clothes and being known by everyone as though they had always existed there.A drama with so much character so why ar`nt any of these three classics available to own on DVD or VIDEO?