This show is often remembered for an incident in which Johnny Carson interrupted a taping session. During an appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1962) with guest host Bob Newhart, Don Rickles accidentally broke the cigarette box on Carson's desk. When Carson returned to the show the next day, he discovered the broken box during taping. Carson took the broken box and a cameraman with him to the adjacent studio where Rickles' show was taped and teased him. This incident was played on Carson's annual specials and also on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (1992) on the day Carson died.
The opening and closing credits were actually shot at the US Navy Recruit Training Center in San Diego, CA.
In an episode from the first season, it was stated that Sharkey's first name was Seymour. But throughout the second season, his first name is Otto. In the pilot episode, the CO calls him Steve.
If you look closely at CPO Sharkey's sleeve on his dress blue uniform, you will notice that he has 6 diagonal stripes below his rank. These are service stripes. One is given for every 4 years of service completed, indicating CPO Sharkey has 24 years of service.
Don Rickles was actually a navy veteran, serving on the USS Cyrene during World War II.