- Harry Flashman: [to Bismarck] How dare you insult a lady, you dirty foreigner.
- Otto von Bismarck: I shall remember you.
- Harry Flashman: Well I shan't trouble to return the compliment.
- [first lines]
- Harry Flashman: So, the last thing I have to tell you young fellows is this: play up and play the game, honor your queen and country, mind what your masters tell you, say your prayers each night, keep your minds and your bodies clean, take a cold bath each day, and you'll find you can always look the world in the eye like an English gentleman.
- [audience members concurs, muttering "Here, here"]
- Harry Flashman: Now my lads, I'm just a simple soldier.
- [Audience members murmer objections and so does the headmaster]
- Harry Flashman: Yes, I am though. But I tell you if you follow these rules, then when the last roll call comes, you'll be able to go up before the great headmaster with a clean, British conscience and say, "Well sir, I tried to do my duty", and I think, I think, you'll find that's good enough for him.
- [applause and standing ovation from the audience]
- Harry Flashman: [posing as Crown Prince Carl Magnus] Highness, may I say... May I tell you...
- [she turns to face him and he is struck by her beauty]
- Harry Flashman: ... you're the loveliest piece of tumble I've seen all year.
- Police Constable: You're not English, are ya?
- Otto von Bismarck: I am a German officer, and I demand that...
- Police Constable: [interrupting] Yes, well, Captain Flashman is a British Officer, so you don't demand nothing.