The Devil's Rain (1975)
Eddie Albert: Dr. Sam Richards
Jonathan Corbis : [to Danny] You, my brethren, found the book. You may now bring down the vessel, so we may restore it to its holy place.
Dr. Sam Richards : That won't be necessary.
[the satanists and Corbis see Dr. Richards with the Devil's Rain]
Jonathan Corbis : Ah, Doctor, um...
Dr. Sam Richards : Richards.
Jonathan Corbis : Dr. Samuel Richards. Yes. I've been aware of your work through these many years, Doctor.
Dr. Sam Richards : Corbis, you want the Devil's Rain, I want Tom & Julie Preston. I do not underestimate your powers, nor do I overestimate them.
Jonathan Corbis : Thank you, Doctor. I'm grateful that you are aware of them, sir.
Dr. Sam Richards : Unless you allow Tom & Julie Preston to leave here safely...
[Dr. Richards holds the vessel up high before the satanists]
Dr. Sam Richards : [screams] I will destroy the Devil's Rain!