I must of been despondent after watching this, or in complete stupefaction. I didn't find one thing about this dull action film or it's lead, entertaining, except bad arse drug kingpin, Chuck Norris being dubbed with an evil voice that actually boosts his performance if taking it from a 7 to a 200. You truly expect much more from this dull cheapie, and judging by the faded shot of Chuck, looking completely serious, sporting his moustache with a thinner face, you automatically assume, he's a good guy. If one can only wish. I'd know the end result would be much better than this waste of time, I had seen this tape looming on the shelves in the 80's and wondered what it would be like. If only it could of lived up to my expectations. Well, I might just get my cheap laughs from Chuckie, play bad, of course with a lot of help from some dubbed voice. Dubbed films are funny though, and it's kind of cool when you see people's lips move differently to the words that are uttered. This film isn't cool. It's a shame as it doesn't have a bad plot. It's just a "go nowhere" film that's unequivocally dull.