Leslie Phillips credited as playing...
'Bodley' • Gilbert Bodley
- Arnold Crouch: Thank heavens you've arrived, Mr. Bodley, I've been driven out of my mind.
- Gilbert Bodley: That must have been a very quick trip.
- Arnold Crouch: Mr. Bodley. How can you when your wife's away?
- Gilbert Bodley: How can I when she isn't?
- Arnold Crouch: Mrs. Bodley would be appalled if she knew as much as I know.
- Gilbert Bodley: She'd also be very stupid.
- Arnold Crouch: 'Every man to his trade', that's what my grandfather was always saying.
- Gilbert Bodley: Oh, how very tedious for your grandmother.
- Arnold Crouch: I would like to say, here and now...
- Gilbert Bodley: And you said them very nicely, too.
- Janie McMichael: Miss Tipdale, have you got my underwear?
- Miss Tipdale: I'm afraid not.
- Gilbert Bodley: What are you doing, knitting them?
- Gilbert Bodley: [about Crouch] You must forgive him, you know, he's been laboring under a severe handicap for some time.
- Harry McMichael: Really? What's that?
- Gilbert Bodley: His brain.
- Gilbert Bodley: I'm sorry to have to tell you, but your husband and my wife are unfaithful.
- Janie McMichael: With whom?
- Arnold Crouch: His wife and your husband.
- Miss Tipdale: [Bodley has offered Crouch a better position in the firm] Oh Mr Bodly, you won't regret it, I've always thought he had a big potential.
- Arnold Crouch: And I'll prove it.
- Gilbert Bodley: Yeah, but not now old man.