It doesn't matter what the film, invariably you will find "reviewers" who think it's a masterpiece. The Killing Kind is not a masterpiece - it's an acceptable low budget film from Curtis Harrington is what it is. The folks saying "This is Curtis's masterpiece" have read too much Andrew Sarris. IF Curtis has a masterpiece, which I don't think he does, I think it would have to go to Games or Night Tide - those are slightly better. Curtis (rest his soul) had talent and it's a shame he didn't get to direct some films more worthy of that talent. The Killing Kind is interesting for the performance of Ann Sothern. Cindy Williams is wonderful in her small role. And Luana is always wonderful. But the film (now out on an official DVD in its proper ratio) just looks too low budget to be stylish - lots of that early 70s diffusion which blows out the whites and makes everything else look like a pile of grain. Furthermore, the amount of misinformation on the IMDb is appalling - these people come and "review" these movies and just spout off things like "this film never received a theatrical release." Well, sorry, it did. I saw it. In a theater. The day it opened. In Los Angeles. At the Beverly Hills Canon Theater. With five other people. The release may have been limited (obviously the film was a total bomb, business-wise), but it had a release. Worth a look for Miss Sothern and Miss Williams. Mr. Savage is Mr. Savage and I have never met a Savage performance that I've liked.