The movie plays around the year 830, its based on the real story of Babek and Azerbaycan. When the Muslim religion raised and started the conquest for land they encounter small resistance. Empire by Empire they all felled in the hands of the Muslims, until they reach the lands of Azerbaycan. The Muslim army encounters a leader named Babek. Babek has started a new movement for freedom in Azerbaycan. He makes an army of loyal men to fight by his side against the Muslims. Later he becomes the King of Azerbaycan and is known as the most death wanted men in the Muslim world ever. Because of his revolutionary military tactics he has never defeated in the battlefield. But after 23 bloody years of campaign against the Muslim armies Babek is betrayed by one of his generals. He has been send to the heaviest death penalty available and all his followers were all slayed as well. When Babek his leg and hand got cut off he took some blood and covered his face. The Muslims asked why are you doing that? Babek answered I want to make sure everybody knows I wasn't afraid of death.