i am watching this now on cable TV ONE station which over here is channel 173. amazing film/movie and i plan to order it on DVD as i seen the commercial it is FINALLY BEING RELEASED,in October 07 on DVD. i want it and i love it so much but love even MORE THE ORIGINAL ROOTS. just love it so much can watch it as i do almost each and every year soon to own i my mid 30's the whole collection. no wonder why roots won so many awards and multiple additional nominations..
EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH THIS,SHAME ON THE BLACKS LATINOS AND OTHER MINORITIES WHO HASN'T WATCHED,and EVERYONE who believe in STRENGTH, SURVIVING what your thinking,at the time is just too impossible to "survive"and achieve.
GOD BLESS YOU ALEX HALEY for this incredible multi-part saga,encompassing QUEEN with HALLE BERRY talented lovely self and others.
Bless,all of our ancestors,who came before all of us,may you RIP..
Never tired of watching the beautiful talented IRENE CARA,and the handsome beautiful,fine actor,he is of our time under-rated IMO)(in my opinion)Dorian Harewood.Going to watch with an amigo today again.