This mini series was televised in 1979, at which time, I was only 15 years old. I remember Roots, the original mini series which told the story of an African who was brought to America and was a slave. Although I had read about slavery in the history book, I never imagined how slavery really imprisoned the actual slaves. It's a part of history that we as Americans don't like to discuss, because of the shame. However, it did happen. It's strange how we show rememberance for the Hollocaust, which didn't even happen here, but we shun the topic of slavery, only briefly touch on it in the history books. Watching the series Roots really tears at my very soul for what 100 million slaves had to bear, how they lost their families, their language, religion, and ultimately themselves is heart wrenching. Roots, The next Generations, was also very deep, with an all star cast, and I was truly touched by the story of Alex Haley'