Depending on your country of origin, there are two titles by which you might know this film. In the U.S. it's called Dracula's Dog, which just sounds silly. In the U.K it's called Zoltan Hound of Dracula, which just sounds crap. Quite fitting, really, since crap and silly are perfect adjectives for this film!
The story concerns some Russian soldiers who dig up a tomb containing descendants of the Dracula family, including a coffin occupied by a dog. The dog comes to life and, with a servant friend, makes its way to America in search of the last living Dracula ancestor, Michael Drake.
The story is unintentionally funny throughout. The cuddly puppies that are supposed to be terrifying spring to mind as a perfect example of everything that's wrong with the picture. The actors give wretched performances, clearly more interested in collecting their pay cheque than the material they've been given to work with. Ferrer in particular should be ashamed of himself for slumming his talents in such a banal project. Dracula's Dog is a dog of a movie, hilariously awful from first minute to last, and one of the few films that truly must be seen to be disbelieved.