When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man.
A group of students steal plutonium from NYU. To make matters worse, a Miami reporter arrives in New York to get an exclusive interview with Spider-Man and won't leave Peter alone until she gets it.
Peter and Gale follow the plutonium thieves to L.A. and J.J., who has paid for the trip, insists on going along. There, Mr. White is threatening to explode the device if his demands, one billion dollars in gold, aren't met.
While the Bolt Museum displays Rava, the God of Death, the Cult of Rava plots to steal the statue and return to Kalistani to ignite a holy war. J. Jonah Jameson, a museum backer, is arrested on suspicion of attempting to kill the curator.
A scientist has perfected the art of cloning -- including himself, but Dr. Moon's clone wants revenge on a scientific committee for shunning his work. When Spider-Man threatens his plans, he responds by cloning the crime fighter.
A foreign dignitary arrives in New York City when his daughter competes in an international beauty pageant. Peter Parker connives to be her escort (to get an exclusive for the Daily Bugle), but Spider-Man must rescue her from kidnappers.