The film was shot and released as 'Superwoman' but when Warner Bros. / DC Comics got wind of this, they took the producers to court. There were enough similarities to impose changes on the producers. They had to go back and delete all references to the character's name from the soundtrack, scratch out the "S" logo on her costume and re-title the film. The producers considered 'Ultrawoman' before settling on 'Ms. Magnificent.' DC also wanted the judge to order them to delete the flying sequences. He concluded that flying did not infringe on DC's characters since many other superheroes could also fly. All film prints of the original version and all copies of the original movie poster were recalled (and presumably destroyed) although a few examples of the poster still exist. Posters with the new title and new film prints were distributed and remain the only version in distribution. In recent years it has become known that the original 'Superwoman' version of the film, in addition to theatrical exhibition, also had a very limited VHS / Beta distribution in the early days of home video. A few bootlegs of these tapes have turned up from time to time in collector's circles.