This film begins in Los Angeles with a notorious gangster by the name of "Mr. Mean" (Fred Williamson) being hired to kill a powerful man named "Huberto" (Lou Castel) who has recently become involved in some unsavory business enterprises which have embarrassed the leading crime families in Rome. The problem is that Huberto just happens to be the leader of one of these crime families and in order to prevent a possible war the decision was made to bring in an outsider like Mr. Mean to avoid suspicion. Unfortunately, Huberto soon becomes aware of the contract and hires an equally notorious assassin named "Rommell" (Raymond Harmstorf) to kill Mr. Mean first. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was clearly not one of Fred Williamson's better films as it was both poorly written and edited. It also seemed to have a rather hurried aspect to it as well. To its credit, it does pick up a bit during the last 15 minutes or so and also has a surprising twist at the end which helps to a certain degree. Likewise, having an attractive actress like Crippy Yocard (as "Rene") certainly didn't hurt either. Sadly, none of these things could overcome the faults mentioned earlier and I have rated this movie accordingly. Below average.