Sci-fi/horror film about an automated house that becomes obsessed with and controlling the house matron, Julie Christie, is more timely than ever with the rise of more and more "Smart Home" products coming online. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not at all fearful that my Echo Dot is going to hold my wife hostage, but this film certainly does pose interesting questions of how much we are allowing technology to insinuate itself into our daily lives. Dramatically, the film is flawed, with a some gaping plot holes, a not always believable performance by Christie, and some very dated futuristic special effects. However, "Demon Seed" works both as an entertaining thriller, but more importantly works on an intellectual level, posing many prescient questions, which is why this film has endured. "Demon Seed" is one of only a handful of films directed by Donald Cammell (the others were the brilliant "Performance" that he co-directed with Nicolas Roeg, the suspenseful thriller "White of the Eye," and one other film that was re-cut by producers that he took his name off of, along with some U2 music videos). Definitely worth watching for fans of 1970s science fiction or fans of Julie Christie. Even if it's not her best performance, it's basically a one-woman- show.