Yash Chopra shot the movie in Kashmir. All the cast stayed together as a family and contributed to every aspect of the film, and they even brought their families with them to Kashmir (they were used as extras in the wedding scenes). It was one of Chopra's happiest experiences and he described the production as a honeymoon.
The film was supposed to open with Amit standing under a tree and watching Pooja get married. Traditionally in a Hindi "shaadi" (wedding) ceremony, there were to be seven "pheras" (circuits) around the altar; therefore there would be seven different love scenes between Amit and Pooja intercut with each phera. This was deemed too artistic a beginning for the film, so a few days were spent re-shooting the simple scenes of Amit reciting poetry and meeting Pooja.
International singer Nelly Furtado fell in love with the song "Kabhi Kabhie" as a child. It is still a personal favourite of hers today.
Yash Chopra had originally signed Parveen Babi opposite Rishi Kapoor. For some unknown reason he replaced her with Neetu Singh. Yash Chopra felt guilty about this and started avoiding her calls. Finally Parveen barged into Yash Chopra's home and scolded him. She told him she was not upset about being replaced. She was upset he was avoiding her. If in future he had a good role for her, he should not hesitate. Yash eventually signed her for Kaala Patthar.
Rishi Kapoor was Yash Chopra's only choice for Vicky, but Rishi wasn't keen to do the film. His co-star and uncle Shashi Kapoor assured Chopra that he would catch Rishi Kapoor's ears and bring him on the film sets, which he did. But Rishi Kapoor was to fly for New York in two days, so Chopra took Rishi directly to the film sets from the airport and shot 15 scenes with him in one and a half days so that Rishi couldn't leave the film.