This short film was broadcast as an episode of the PBS television series "The American Short Story." It was hosted by Henry Fonda, who provided a 3-minute introduction to the movie. This 48-minute series version can be seen on Amazon Prime streaming.
Shelley Duvall and Bud Cort both starred in the Robert Altman film "Brewster McCloud (1970)" (1970).
Shelley Duvall lived with tobacco heir Patrick Reynolds (Draycott) in Wolf's Lair, a castle in Hollywood, from 1974 to 1976. She convinced a shy, reluctant Reynolds to visit her on the set of the Robert Altman film "Nashville" (1975), whereupon director Robert Altman cast him in a walk-on role in the film. Reynolds was then cast as Draycott Deyo in the PBS short film "Bernice Bobs Her Hair." Later Reynolds went on to act in other TV and film roles, including a starring part in the sci-fi feature "Eliminators" (1986). In 1986, Reynolds embarked on a new career speaking out against Big Tobacco, his family's former business.