The Big Bus is the kind of film that will make you giggle and grimace, frequently during a viewing. Almost of a kitchen-sink humor, you'll giggle out loud at the parodies of the great 70's disaster flicks.
This is a film with wonderful cameos featuring b-grade stars who evidently hadn't anything better to do that day, then show up at the studio and act out some schtick. It's campy, rompy, and fun. As I recall, the film's tagline was "You'll die laughing!" Well it is a disaster spoof...
Pay particular attention for a classic line in which elderly runaway from home Ruth Gordon tells Renee Auberjenoius (as a doubting priest) how happy she was that god put her in the seat next to a priest. Father Kudos responds, "If it was god that put you here, why didn't he give you a fancy window seat like mine?! I, Kudos, a doubter luxeriate in a window seat, while you, aging with age, get older yet in that disgrace of an aisle seat!! Where is your god now old woman?!" Ruth Gordon responds, "Jesus, I'm sorry I asked!"
Check this gem out - There are far worse ways to die, than to die laughing while watching "The Big Bus"!