War and Peace (1965)
Anatoli Ktorov: Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky
Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky : He was killed in a battle in which Russia's finest men were massacred along with Russia's glory. Go and tell Lise.
Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky : Thank you. Thank you.
Prince Andrei Bolkonsky : Why should you thank me?
Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky : For not hanging back, not clinging to your wife's petticoats, for putting service first. Thank you. Thank you.
Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky : Russia is lost. They've ruined her.
Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky : Prince Andrei wishes me to reduce his year by three months. Write and tell him to wait till I die. It won't be long. I'll soon set him free. Marry, my son. A fine connection. Clever people, eh? Rich, eh? Little Nikolai will have a nice stepmother. Write and tell him he may marry tomorrow if he likes. And I'll marry Miss Bourienne. Then he'll have a stepmother too. Just one thing... no more women in my house. Perhaps you can go live with him too. By God! Out in the cold! Go!