On location, the young Tyler Butterworth (Miguel) wet himself in fright at the gunfire. To make matters worse, he was being carried on Eric Morecambe's shoulders at the time. The comic kindly didn't make an issue of it to the embarrassed child.
Co-star Isobel Black told Cinema Retro magazine in 2020 that Eric and Ernie were never happy with the films they made. "They never thought any of the films had lent itself to their type of comedy."
When Paco the rebel comes to the jail and calls to the boys, Eric's snoring in response to the calling, plus the guitar background, is a reference to their comedy song "Boom Oo Yatta-Ta-Ta". A longstanding gag, the writers had earlier performed it with the duo in their TV series Two of a Kind (1961), and it was released on the HMV label (POP 1240) in 1963.
The film was publicised by a photo-spread in the top-shelf men's magazine "Fiesta", unusual for a family film.
Tyler Butterworth's father Peter Butterworth took time out to visit his son on set: he was acting in Carry on Don't Lose Your Head (1967) at another Pinewood soundstage simultaneously.