This film begins with a young man approaching a prostitute by the name of "Rosie" (Janet Banzet) to purchase some of her time. Although she considers him a bit too young, she reluctantly agrees since business is rather slow. However, once they get to her place a small group of men led by a man named "Johnny" (John Batis) appears and beat her up for informing on one of their friends. As it so happens, Johnny is the leader of a motorcycle gang in Brooklyn known as the Rebels and he is highly respected among the group. The next scene then shifts to one of the Rebel's hangouts where a young woman from Manhattan by the name of "Terri" (Diane Conti) has appeared and wants to join the gang. Although she is quite attractive this causes a serious internal problem since all of the men in the gang already have girlfriends. Recognizing that Johnny is the leader she convinces him to allow her to fight his girlfriend named "Angel" (Linda Gale) for the right to replace her. Yet even though Terri wins she still isn't satisfied with her status in the gang and from that point on trouble soon follows. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this low-budget, grade-Z, quasi-biker film had a good plot and some adequate acting. Unfortunately, it was seriously limited by extremely weak camera work during the action scenes and very poor lighting. In short, this film had potential but it wasn't quite realized and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Below average.