The character of Vic Bealer was based on a man that lived in Vacaville, California named Michael Dennis Galbraith.
The All-American Boy (1973) was filmed before but released after Jon Voight's huge hit in Deliverance (1972).
A number of the fighters in The All-American Boy (1973) were well-known boxers, including Ken Norton, who became the world heavyweight champion in 1973 when he defeated Muhammad Ali in a split decision. Norton made his motion picture debut in The All-American Boy, although the film Top of the Heap (1972), in which he also appeared, was released earlier in 1972. Norton also carries in his real-life young son Ken Norton Jr. on his shoulders in the first boxing gym scene.
The All-American Boy (1973) was a financial failure and quickly forgotten. Though flawed, with an unsympathetic protagonist too unclear to pin down, the film does reflect a unique voice from a turbulent time.
According to director John Boorman, who had begun pestering Voight to make Deliverance (1972) at this time, the actor was incredibly depressed about The All-American Boy (1973), because he felt that he and Charles Eastman had not adequately captured such a difficult character. Boorman claimed that Voight threatened to give up on acting.