1 review
I was quite young when I saw this one and thought it tacky then because the characters spoke joual (French-Canadian for 'slang'). Was I ever wrong? It is probably the most intellectually stimulating Canadian film of the 70s. I saw most of Carle's later films with contempt based on my first and immature impression. The man really deserves a second chance and an apology from me. The lead actress, Micheline Lanctôt, who had never acted before (and who went on to become a respected director) is in practically every scene and gives the performance of a lifetime. She plays Bernadette, an unhappy Montréal bourgoise housewife who leaves her lawyer husband and her wealthy but empty life to move to the country and live on a farm with her little boy. The culture shock is not AT ALL what you would expect and yes some 'miracles' are performed. I could not recommend this movie more. Foreign films lovers should really look this one up.