This film belongs to the Italian film genre called "giallo", so named due to a series of popular Italian detective novels, published in 1929, all bound in yellow covers, "giallo" meaning "yellow" in Italian. Ultimately the term became generalized for all detective stories, in print or on film. While Mrs. Moss is waiting for the elevator, she drops a magazine called "Killer Man", with a cover design featuring the typical figure, immediately recognizable to giallo aficionados , of a shadowy silhouette, dressed in a fedora and raincoat, gloves, and, of course, carrying a knife. Though the covers are no longer yellow, little old lady Moss is a big fan of murder mysteries, "gialli" (plural) in Italian.
During the opening credits, a girl is walking down the street and a movie poster is shown. It's for "Scorpio 'E Turo Clint Eastwood", which is an Italian poster for Dirty Harry (1971).
Italian censorship visa # 60726 delivered on 25-7-1972.