47 reviews
... that ending left me laughing endlessly, but as a movie, 'Deep Throat' is rather disappointing.
Apparently, this movie was needed in the America in the 70's, so it became something of a 'thing to see', just as we in the Netherlands had the incredible hit 'Blue Movie' (1971).
But when looked upon some 30 years later, one can see 'Deep Throat' is a rather weak attempt to put some sort of story (which involves a woman with her clitoris in her mouth, and the problems (and opportunities) that arise from that) into a porn flick. Rather silly if you'd ask me.
The buzz this movie gets (and it will heighten considering the recent documentary Inside Deep Throat, and a planned re-release of the movie), it certainly does not deserve from the quality of the film. Great songs though! 4/10.
Apparently, this movie was needed in the America in the 70's, so it became something of a 'thing to see', just as we in the Netherlands had the incredible hit 'Blue Movie' (1971).
But when looked upon some 30 years later, one can see 'Deep Throat' is a rather weak attempt to put some sort of story (which involves a woman with her clitoris in her mouth, and the problems (and opportunities) that arise from that) into a porn flick. Rather silly if you'd ask me.
The buzz this movie gets (and it will heighten considering the recent documentary Inside Deep Throat, and a planned re-release of the movie), it certainly does not deserve from the quality of the film. Great songs though! 4/10.
- TheOtherFool
- Feb 26, 2005
- Permalink
I ran into this while watching movies from the list of the most controversial films of all time. Since it is a porno movie I almost skipped it, but when I read what it was about I could not resist. This porn has a story. Not a sorry excuse for a story, but it comes with a real plot based on sex which is explicitly shown. The premise is hilarious and it can rightly be said that this is a porn comedy. A woman who can not get an orgasm comes to the doctor for help. This seems to be nothing unusual, but when you find out the cause of this problem is that the clitoris is located... Watch the movie. It is so stupid that it turned the game and became a cult masterpiece of the genre.
- Bored_Dragon
- Aug 11, 2018
- Permalink
Linda Lovelace stars as herself, although an anatomically incorrect version. After an examination from Dr. Young (played by Harry Reems), she discovers that her clitoris in in her throat rather than in its usual place. How does she solve her sexual problems? Why, by working for Dr. Young as a "physical therapist" who specializes in the practice that is also the title of the film.
This film became notorious and remains so today. It is connected to the Watergate scandal of Richard Nixon. It is said to be the most profitable film of all time when compared to its budget (a few thousand dollars invested with millions in profits). And furthermore, the profits from "Deep Throat" were used to create Bryanston Distributing, a film distribution company that also handled several non-pornographic features including "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre", so it had a lasting influence via secondary films.
As notorious as the film was the star, Linda Lovelace, who has since passed on due to a car crash. Starting out her career as a prostitute with a violent husband, who filmed at least one bestiality film, she made it big in "Deep Throat" and later went on to be a star in the anti-pornography circuit, claiming the actresses were forced into degrading roles. While it may have been true in her case, the industry at large seems to think otherwise in general.
The sad thing is that this movie, aside from its infamous status, really isn't very good. There are some really cheesy jokes that you might find funny, but the sex scenes -- and there are many, sometimes without any explanation -- just aren't all that sexy. I wasn't very interested in what was going on, which is a sad day in the world of porn.
There are some memorable moments. The soundtrack in general is interesting, relying on a "bubble" sound effect for multiple songs. One song, which may be called "I'd Like to Teach the World to Screw" plays over the strangest scene in the film, where a man with a very long straw sips Coca-Cola from a container inserted into his partner's... well, you know. It was pretty bizarre, and I doubt I'll ever see that again.
The film may be worth seeing for the sole reason that it's a historically relevant film, with cultural influences. Without Watergate, this may not have been the case... who knows? The video is bad, the sound is average, the story is nothing to speak of... it has more plot than most modern pornographic films, but if you're watching these films, I suspect you're not someone who cares much for plot anyway... just not a film that lives up to the hype.
This film became notorious and remains so today. It is connected to the Watergate scandal of Richard Nixon. It is said to be the most profitable film of all time when compared to its budget (a few thousand dollars invested with millions in profits). And furthermore, the profits from "Deep Throat" were used to create Bryanston Distributing, a film distribution company that also handled several non-pornographic features including "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre", so it had a lasting influence via secondary films.
As notorious as the film was the star, Linda Lovelace, who has since passed on due to a car crash. Starting out her career as a prostitute with a violent husband, who filmed at least one bestiality film, she made it big in "Deep Throat" and later went on to be a star in the anti-pornography circuit, claiming the actresses were forced into degrading roles. While it may have been true in her case, the industry at large seems to think otherwise in general.
The sad thing is that this movie, aside from its infamous status, really isn't very good. There are some really cheesy jokes that you might find funny, but the sex scenes -- and there are many, sometimes without any explanation -- just aren't all that sexy. I wasn't very interested in what was going on, which is a sad day in the world of porn.
There are some memorable moments. The soundtrack in general is interesting, relying on a "bubble" sound effect for multiple songs. One song, which may be called "I'd Like to Teach the World to Screw" plays over the strangest scene in the film, where a man with a very long straw sips Coca-Cola from a container inserted into his partner's... well, you know. It was pretty bizarre, and I doubt I'll ever see that again.
The film may be worth seeing for the sole reason that it's a historically relevant film, with cultural influences. Without Watergate, this may not have been the case... who knows? The video is bad, the sound is average, the story is nothing to speak of... it has more plot than most modern pornographic films, but if you're watching these films, I suspect you're not someone who cares much for plot anyway... just not a film that lives up to the hype.
This movie set the stage for "Porno Chic" a time when it seemed okay to go out and see a "dirty movie" at the local theatre. Couples were going, along with groups of women, curious as to what the clamour was all about. The clamour was actually about this technique that Linda Lovelace was displaying in this movie. That is the true star of the movie. We can easily forget that this was a time when adult features were trying to have a storyline to gain acceptance with a mainstream audience so a story is included. The acting in this movie is okay as porn acting goes, luckily the one with the talented throat also could manage a few acting skills. Dolly Sharp as Linda's girlfriend Helen is funny and has an unusual look for those of us used to modern-day Bimbo porno queens. What ever happened to Dolly Sharp? Harry Reems is doing his best Groucho Marx imitation as the doctor who helps Linda with her "problem". The young looking blonde who is Reems' nurse just seems to be allowing her body to be used as she appears to be a million miles away emotionally and mentally. Great music. Rare to find a porn movie what has lyrics along with the action. Singing a song called "Bubbles" and making bubbling noises during an oral sex scene comes across pretty funny , but the song that is REALLY funny is the title song "Deep Throat" with such memorable lyrics as "Deep Throat, that's all she wrote, Deep Throat", we have had a lot of fun making up our own lyrics to this song. Highly recommended adult movie. Funny as hell, sexy and it will get you turned on. What more can one ask for in an adult film?
- Schlockmeister
- May 27, 2001
- Permalink
The R2 DVD edition via which I finally got to watch this “cultural phenomenon” and “censorship milestone” has to be the most atrocious and redundant in existence. I’m sure that even those film buffs personally unfamiliar with the film are aware of what its title is alluding to, but the uninitiated would not really be any the wiser after having sat through it in this truly lamentable guise! Finding the film to be so (intentionally) comical was surprising enough – snatches of dialogue and especially the song lyrics heard throughout are virtual howlers – but I certainly wasn’t expecting the most infamous of theatrically-released adult movies to be this chaste: in fact, it is so heavily cropped on this disc that its hardcore content is virtually nullified entirely. I’m fully aware that what one doesn’t see (but only imagines) is usually more effective than what he does get (or is permitted) to view – but this travesty is simply too ridiculous for words. “And deep throat to you all” indeed!
All that is left for me to do, therefore, is to tell of what it is about and something of its legacy. Linda Lovelace plays a woman who has been born with a misplaced clitoris and, consequently, doesn’t enjoy the physical act of love. Her best friend doesn’t seem to have any such problems and, in fact, arranges marathon lovin’ sessions for Lovelace at her home but to no practical avail. Thus, she visits a nerdy sex therapist who not only manages to identify her organic oddity in no time but, understandably enough, comes up with the obvious solution faster than you can say “Deep Throat”! The cure works wonders and Lovelace is soon employed by the therapist to service his own case studies and himself personally in her own spare time…
Unlike common knowledge, DEEP THROAT was not the first hardcore movie to be exhibited theatrically in America but it was easily the most notorious one of its era. Its unequivocal and overreaching cultural standing need only be assessed by the fact that the mysterious insider in the 1974 Watergate scandal which shook the nation chose to be identified by (of all things) the name of this porn flick! Besides, Oscar-winning director Mike Nichols is said to have personally recommended the film to controversial novelist Norman Mailer at the time of release! While Lovelace appeared in an official sequel two years later and the film itself inspired a feature-length documentary in 2005, there are at least two more adult movies – released in 1987 and 1989 – with “Deep Throat” in their title but these are apparently unrelated to the original.
All that is left for me to do, therefore, is to tell of what it is about and something of its legacy. Linda Lovelace plays a woman who has been born with a misplaced clitoris and, consequently, doesn’t enjoy the physical act of love. Her best friend doesn’t seem to have any such problems and, in fact, arranges marathon lovin’ sessions for Lovelace at her home but to no practical avail. Thus, she visits a nerdy sex therapist who not only manages to identify her organic oddity in no time but, understandably enough, comes up with the obvious solution faster than you can say “Deep Throat”! The cure works wonders and Lovelace is soon employed by the therapist to service his own case studies and himself personally in her own spare time…
Unlike common knowledge, DEEP THROAT was not the first hardcore movie to be exhibited theatrically in America but it was easily the most notorious one of its era. Its unequivocal and overreaching cultural standing need only be assessed by the fact that the mysterious insider in the 1974 Watergate scandal which shook the nation chose to be identified by (of all things) the name of this porn flick! Besides, Oscar-winning director Mike Nichols is said to have personally recommended the film to controversial novelist Norman Mailer at the time of release! While Lovelace appeared in an official sequel two years later and the film itself inspired a feature-length documentary in 2005, there are at least two more adult movies – released in 1987 and 1989 – with “Deep Throat” in their title but these are apparently unrelated to the original.
- Bunuel1976
- Apr 26, 2008
- Permalink
Yeah maybe this was a breakout movie for porn.Maybe this film took porn movies from being just perverted little stag films in someone's basement to mainstream movie theaters where it became chic' to see a porno movie, but as a movie,as art if you will,"Deep Throat" sucked. I suppose you should see this movie just to be able to say you have saw it but as far as being a good porno movie it is nothing to lose your head over.Compared to all the hype it has received this film probably won't blow you away.You'll most likely feel a little down in the mouth after seeing this film.Some things are just better left to the imagination I suppose.
The premise of this movie is that a woman,played by Linda Lovelace,goes to the doctor after a lifetime of disappointing sexual encounters.Its seems she can't reach orgasm.The good doc,played by Harry Reems,discovers that our heroine's clitoris is in her throat,only after a through physical exam of course.Now that may be the best thing about this movie---that crazy premise of having a clitoris in the throat.Of course then Linda sets out to find men who can help her reach her,ahem,goal.
Other than Reems the acting is pretty lousy in this movie.Reems is a natural as the crazy doc.But everyone else seems stiff and rigid and very unnatural.The sets are tacky and rundown and just plain nasty looking at times.The sex is pretty tame compared to todays stuff.And the women aren't all that attractive.Lovelace herself was a really bad actress.She displays no talent at all for acting nor even having sex.Her nose is running in one scene as she plies her talent,which isn't anymore spectacular than her acting talent, despite the title.
Lovelace in later years said she was doped and made to perform at gunpoint during filming for "Deep Throat".Yeah right.I suppose she was also doped and held at gunpoint for all those subsequent porno movies and porno mags she appeared in after the success of "Deep Throat".Frankly if I'm going to make someone perform oral sex at gunpoint on film she would be a hell of a lot hotter than Lovelace was and much better at doing the thing that gave this film it's title.
Besides Reems about the only fun thing in this film is the theme song.It is one you might be singing snippets of long after you've seen the movie.See the movie only as the historical film it is.Don't watch this movie expecting to see lots of hot women and men engaging in hot torrid sex because if you do you will be let down.
Approach this film as though you are going to a museum to see an old relic and you won't be too let down at all the over hype you've heard about this film for all these years.
The premise of this movie is that a woman,played by Linda Lovelace,goes to the doctor after a lifetime of disappointing sexual encounters.Its seems she can't reach orgasm.The good doc,played by Harry Reems,discovers that our heroine's clitoris is in her throat,only after a through physical exam of course.Now that may be the best thing about this movie---that crazy premise of having a clitoris in the throat.Of course then Linda sets out to find men who can help her reach her,ahem,goal.
Other than Reems the acting is pretty lousy in this movie.Reems is a natural as the crazy doc.But everyone else seems stiff and rigid and very unnatural.The sets are tacky and rundown and just plain nasty looking at times.The sex is pretty tame compared to todays stuff.And the women aren't all that attractive.Lovelace herself was a really bad actress.She displays no talent at all for acting nor even having sex.Her nose is running in one scene as she plies her talent,which isn't anymore spectacular than her acting talent, despite the title.
Lovelace in later years said she was doped and made to perform at gunpoint during filming for "Deep Throat".Yeah right.I suppose she was also doped and held at gunpoint for all those subsequent porno movies and porno mags she appeared in after the success of "Deep Throat".Frankly if I'm going to make someone perform oral sex at gunpoint on film she would be a hell of a lot hotter than Lovelace was and much better at doing the thing that gave this film it's title.
Besides Reems about the only fun thing in this film is the theme song.It is one you might be singing snippets of long after you've seen the movie.See the movie only as the historical film it is.Don't watch this movie expecting to see lots of hot women and men engaging in hot torrid sex because if you do you will be let down.
Approach this film as though you are going to a museum to see an old relic and you won't be too let down at all the over hype you've heard about this film for all these years.
I greatly preferred THE DEVIL IN MISS JONES as it is far more sexy and risque. I was disappointed with DEEP THROAT but saw it for the first time about 25 years after it first came out. Erotically, it doesn't hold a candle to most of the stuff from the 80's and 90's. It is a suitable example of what adult films were like in the seventies along with Seka films and Marilyn Chambers. It was notable in that it played in theaters, was widely viewed as a "couples" film, and came close to being a household phrase.
Just pick a category
ANY category will do, actually, because "Deep Throat" fits in all of them. It's pure porn, naturally, but also a hard-to-obtain milestone with a cult history like no other movie could ever present. "Deep Throat" made the porn-industry what it is today: a mainstream and very profitable business in which actors and directors get respect and sympathy. And, instead of simply editing a whole lot of boring hardcore sequences together, the makers of this film wanted to tell a story (although a very silly one) with a great sense of humor! Linda Lovelace stars as a poor young woman who can't enjoy physical love no matter what she tries
Along with her doctor (the utterly cool Harry Reems) she discovers that her clitoris is wrongfully placed at the back-end of her throat! The doctor, as well as multiple other volunteers, gladly teaches her a way by which she can enjoy sex after all. This premise alone already is quite comical but humorist value of "Deep Throat" is increased by the playful performances (Reems is having the time of his life), the brilliant music (wait until you hear the title song!) and the implementation of typical but non-pornographic footage that illustrates what kind of pleasure the characters are going through (for example, shots from a rocket-launch when the men are climaxing
). Funny stuff
and Lovelace still looks better than most female porn stars today!
I think I read the paperback first. I highly recommend it. Then I saw a tape of this movie, and decided right then that it does deserve a place in the history of film. And not only because of the scandals and the fight for the freedom of speech, even though that's as important today as it was back then.
I'm talking about a sex comedy here. Sure enough, it is a sex comedy with explicit sex included, with the intention to make money by getting the audience hot all over. And it is dated, even the jokes about the squares of the time.
Well, that's fine with me: I find it OK to make money with sexy stuff, and this one is not only sexy but quite funny. I have had the chance to see it again at the silver screen, and it was lots of fun all over again. In short: sexy underground comedy.
I'm talking about a sex comedy here. Sure enough, it is a sex comedy with explicit sex included, with the intention to make money by getting the audience hot all over. And it is dated, even the jokes about the squares of the time.
Well, that's fine with me: I find it OK to make money with sexy stuff, and this one is not only sexy but quite funny. I have had the chance to see it again at the silver screen, and it was lots of fun all over again. In short: sexy underground comedy.
- ironhorse_iv
- Jan 17, 2014
- Permalink
How on earth does one go about reviewing DEEP THROAT nowadays ? Though it's clearly still the best known adult movie of all time, it cannot be called a good film in any objective or traditional sense. Many have speculated over the three intervening decades as to the reasons why THROAT, which even in 1972 was hardly the best of its kind, became such a huge box office bonanza, furthered rather than hindered by its much publicized prosecution. Absolutely everything you need to know about the movie's legal problems and its sociological significance is elaborated upon in the excellent 2005 documentary INSIDE DEEP THROAT. Rather than waste precious space on a futile attempt to put my 2 cents in regarding THROAT's apparent discrepancy between quality and longevity, I'll try to give my honest opinion on the film proper, unbothered by all that has been said and written about it since it was first screened.
Linda Lovelace ("as Herself", according to the credits) is a happy hippie chick living of dad's allowance and sharing a house with fun-loving divorcée Helen (Dolly Sharp, star of the Amero Brothers' DYNAMITE and tons of loops). Their carefree existence is marred only by Linda's inability to achieve orgasm, this evidently NOT through lack of trying ! While sex makes her feel all nice 'n' tingly, she wants to hear "bells ringing, dams bursting, guns going off", prompting Helen's laughing request if she wants to get off or wreck the city. Help is at hand in the shape of wacky Doctor Young (the role that forever saddled Herbert Streicher with the ludicrous nom de porn of "Harry Reems"), a psychiatrist who's way nuttier than any of his patients but actually seems to hold the cure to Linda's ills. It turns out that her clitoris isn't quite located where it should be, hence her incapacity for total sexual fulfillment, but is situated at the back of her throat ! The only way for Linda to climax is to perform fellatio all the way down, an act that has been referred to by the film's title ever since. Linda's devouring of Harry's member (cross-cut with images of, yep, bells ringing, dams bursting and guns going off to indicate the girl's pleasure) really is something to see, as startling a display of sexual acrobatics now as it must've been 35 years ago.
With a demanding nurse - played by Carol Connors, later star of Gail Palmer's CANDY movies and mother of mainstream actress Thora Birch (whose dad, Jack Birch a/k/a "Michael Powers" also appears as #12 in the Dolly Sharp threesome with one shot John Byron) - to consider, the good doctor tries to set up Linda with one of his other patients by engaging her as an out-call physical therapist. Some of the sex that ensues consists of loop footage shot prior to principal filming. You can generally tell by the absence of live sound during these scenes, compensated by voice-over and the use of silly sound f/x. Linda finally finds happiness, and gets to perform her party trick once more with feeling, with dopey Wilbur Wang (the aptly moniker-ed William Love) who meets the necessary requirements to hit the lady's sensitive spot.
Apart from Linda's oral abilities, the sex is pretty much run of the mill raunch, generally well- covered by utilitarian camera work and editing but not much different from loops of the period. You also never get to see Linda entirely naked, due to a large scar running from her chest down to her abdomen as a result of a car crash she almost miraculously survived some years earlier. She was not that fortunate in 2002 when another traffic accident tragically ended her life. Her conflicting accounts of abuse at the hands of then husband Chuck Traynor around the time of filming are but some of the many specters that continue to haunt this movie. While bruises are apparent (check out her early poolside dialog bit with Dolly Sharp), she does seem to enjoy herself sexually. If she's pretending, she might've been a far better actress than she was ever given credit for.
Another asset is the film's endearingly awful soundtrack with a number of relentlessly hummable original tunes like its title song (yes, it does exist), the rambunctious "Bubbles" track that plays over the orgy scene with Linda and Helen lining up the guys for their personal pleasure (an almost feminist concept, just kidding !) and the raunchy reworking of the New Seekers' "I'd Like to Teach the World" appropriately supporting what I'd call the Coca Cola scene involving the beverage, a clear plastic tube and Linda's private parts.
Those who enjoy putting the film down tend to overlook that sophisticated wit was never director Gerard Damiano's goal. This is toilet humor, a dirty joke well told, akin to the sauciness displayed by burlesque comedians in between strip acts. On that level it works like a charm. So while there were other adult movies at the time that had more sophisticated story lines and more erotic sex (like MONA, THE VIRGIN NYMPH and SCHOOL GIRL), this brash, in your face farce offered belly laughs along with the unfettered fornicating to anyone in need of an excuse to enjoy a pornographic film. As it was the first to hit upon that surefire recipe for success, it totally deserves to be remembered (and occasionally revisited) as the adult film that started it all.
Linda Lovelace ("as Herself", according to the credits) is a happy hippie chick living of dad's allowance and sharing a house with fun-loving divorcée Helen (Dolly Sharp, star of the Amero Brothers' DYNAMITE and tons of loops). Their carefree existence is marred only by Linda's inability to achieve orgasm, this evidently NOT through lack of trying ! While sex makes her feel all nice 'n' tingly, she wants to hear "bells ringing, dams bursting, guns going off", prompting Helen's laughing request if she wants to get off or wreck the city. Help is at hand in the shape of wacky Doctor Young (the role that forever saddled Herbert Streicher with the ludicrous nom de porn of "Harry Reems"), a psychiatrist who's way nuttier than any of his patients but actually seems to hold the cure to Linda's ills. It turns out that her clitoris isn't quite located where it should be, hence her incapacity for total sexual fulfillment, but is situated at the back of her throat ! The only way for Linda to climax is to perform fellatio all the way down, an act that has been referred to by the film's title ever since. Linda's devouring of Harry's member (cross-cut with images of, yep, bells ringing, dams bursting and guns going off to indicate the girl's pleasure) really is something to see, as startling a display of sexual acrobatics now as it must've been 35 years ago.
With a demanding nurse - played by Carol Connors, later star of Gail Palmer's CANDY movies and mother of mainstream actress Thora Birch (whose dad, Jack Birch a/k/a "Michael Powers" also appears as #12 in the Dolly Sharp threesome with one shot John Byron) - to consider, the good doctor tries to set up Linda with one of his other patients by engaging her as an out-call physical therapist. Some of the sex that ensues consists of loop footage shot prior to principal filming. You can generally tell by the absence of live sound during these scenes, compensated by voice-over and the use of silly sound f/x. Linda finally finds happiness, and gets to perform her party trick once more with feeling, with dopey Wilbur Wang (the aptly moniker-ed William Love) who meets the necessary requirements to hit the lady's sensitive spot.
Apart from Linda's oral abilities, the sex is pretty much run of the mill raunch, generally well- covered by utilitarian camera work and editing but not much different from loops of the period. You also never get to see Linda entirely naked, due to a large scar running from her chest down to her abdomen as a result of a car crash she almost miraculously survived some years earlier. She was not that fortunate in 2002 when another traffic accident tragically ended her life. Her conflicting accounts of abuse at the hands of then husband Chuck Traynor around the time of filming are but some of the many specters that continue to haunt this movie. While bruises are apparent (check out her early poolside dialog bit with Dolly Sharp), she does seem to enjoy herself sexually. If she's pretending, she might've been a far better actress than she was ever given credit for.
Another asset is the film's endearingly awful soundtrack with a number of relentlessly hummable original tunes like its title song (yes, it does exist), the rambunctious "Bubbles" track that plays over the orgy scene with Linda and Helen lining up the guys for their personal pleasure (an almost feminist concept, just kidding !) and the raunchy reworking of the New Seekers' "I'd Like to Teach the World" appropriately supporting what I'd call the Coca Cola scene involving the beverage, a clear plastic tube and Linda's private parts.
Those who enjoy putting the film down tend to overlook that sophisticated wit was never director Gerard Damiano's goal. This is toilet humor, a dirty joke well told, akin to the sauciness displayed by burlesque comedians in between strip acts. On that level it works like a charm. So while there were other adult movies at the time that had more sophisticated story lines and more erotic sex (like MONA, THE VIRGIN NYMPH and SCHOOL GIRL), this brash, in your face farce offered belly laughs along with the unfettered fornicating to anyone in need of an excuse to enjoy a pornographic film. As it was the first to hit upon that surefire recipe for success, it totally deserves to be remembered (and occasionally revisited) as the adult film that started it all.
- Nodriesrespect
- Mar 31, 2006
- Permalink
Deep Throat will always be remembered for the fact that it was a pioneer of hardcore porn, but that isn't the only reason to see it; as even if you're not into watching people have sex, there's plenty to enjoy about Deep Throat. The plot would lend itself nicely to a comedy film, and follows a woman who goes to see the doctor as she's not enjoying sex. After examining her, he comes to the conclusion that her clitoris isn't in the usual place and is, in fact, in her throat. Naturally, he refers her to a specialist...nah, just kidding! He treats her by pulling his pants down and showing her a new way to enjoy sex! (The clue is in the title). The film stars the sinful Linda Lovelace as 'herself' (albeit with a clitoris in her throat), and she gets to enjoy herself with a variety of men, including well experienced porn star Harry Reems, who is an absolute blast as Lovelace's unorthodox doctor! The song that features throughout the film is ridiculously stupid, but somehow helps it in terms of atmosphere and comedy value. It has to be said that the majority of the film is taken up by wall to wall pornography, but at least Deep Throat does take the time to tell some sort of story, and overall the film is wickedly entertaining, and therefore comes highly recommended to everyone who hasn't already caught it!
- russbgrant
- May 4, 2019
- Permalink
The all time classic , the first hardcore porno film to play to sold out mainstream theaters and certainly a very bizzare relic from 1972. A very strange musical movie with campy dialogue , comedic acting , and very weird music including a strange version of the Coke theme in a bizzare scene. The sex is so-so not too erotic and suffers from the extreme closeup syndrome where it tries to zoom in as far as it can til it blurs out repeatally that got annoying but the film itself is a nostaligic funny and campy movie that can be viewed on it's merits as a sex comedy rather than a pornographic movie..definitly the all time cult classic
- chaosnbeer
- Mar 9, 2004
- Permalink
First of all, I need to make a note about my review: I am not a consumer of pornographic material and I even believe that the porn industry should be regulated more severely, to protect those involved and to control what can be displayed and the means in which this can be done. Call me a moralist if you prefer. What led me to see this film was the huge impact it had at the time it was made. I wanted to see if it really justified the "hype" it created and the cultural importance that many recognize in it, and I must conclude that, if the cultural and social importance is undeniable (after all, it was the first pornographic film to conquer the space of normal cinemas and to have the right to be in newspapers and film reviews), the quality of the production itself leaves a lot to be desired.
I'm not going to dwell on considerations about the plot, anyone who really wants to know what it's about should simply lose their shyness and watch the film, whether in the original version or in the censored version. What really deserves to be highlighted is the simple fact that the film has a plot, which is unprecedented. Until then, porn films were rare and resembled the homemade videos of celebrities that sometimes leak to the press and cause headaches for the people involved. After "Deep Throat" an industry was born and other productions emerged with a plot, even though in the overwhelming majority of cases (including this very film!) the plot is nothing more than an excuse for explicit sex scenes.
Technically, nothing caught my attention. There is no investment in sets or quality production. The film could have been filmed in any of those actors' homes, and it looks extremely cheap. And there is no care with the cinematography: the camera tries to position itself wherever it has space, without worrying about the framing, color, light or sharpness of the image. The sex scenes are basically what you imagine. Obviously, they are heavily edited and the successive and uncomfortable cuts seemed excessive to me, the result of very amateur work in post-production.
The film marks the high point of the career of Linda Lovelace, the first porn superstar and one of the most defining figures of the industry's golden age. Her qualities as an actress are very poor, but the film, by its nature, does not require her to act. The entire film is, however, a farce if we give credit to Lovelace's own words, years later, when she denounced the abuse she allegedly suffered in the production, where she was forced and practically raped on camera. Personally, I give credit to what the former porn star said, especially if we consider the prevailing mentality concerning women and the absence of any legal or moral regulation on this material. Furthermore, she is the only actress who stands out here.
The film was a tremendous success and the production raised a fortune. There are those who even say that the mob took advantage of the opportunity in the way that best suited it. For posterity, however, the strong social impact that the film had remained, which gave it an importance that, otherwise, it would never have had the right to aspire to.
I'm not going to dwell on considerations about the plot, anyone who really wants to know what it's about should simply lose their shyness and watch the film, whether in the original version or in the censored version. What really deserves to be highlighted is the simple fact that the film has a plot, which is unprecedented. Until then, porn films were rare and resembled the homemade videos of celebrities that sometimes leak to the press and cause headaches for the people involved. After "Deep Throat" an industry was born and other productions emerged with a plot, even though in the overwhelming majority of cases (including this very film!) the plot is nothing more than an excuse for explicit sex scenes.
Technically, nothing caught my attention. There is no investment in sets or quality production. The film could have been filmed in any of those actors' homes, and it looks extremely cheap. And there is no care with the cinematography: the camera tries to position itself wherever it has space, without worrying about the framing, color, light or sharpness of the image. The sex scenes are basically what you imagine. Obviously, they are heavily edited and the successive and uncomfortable cuts seemed excessive to me, the result of very amateur work in post-production.
The film marks the high point of the career of Linda Lovelace, the first porn superstar and one of the most defining figures of the industry's golden age. Her qualities as an actress are very poor, but the film, by its nature, does not require her to act. The entire film is, however, a farce if we give credit to Lovelace's own words, years later, when she denounced the abuse she allegedly suffered in the production, where she was forced and practically raped on camera. Personally, I give credit to what the former porn star said, especially if we consider the prevailing mentality concerning women and the absence of any legal or moral regulation on this material. Furthermore, she is the only actress who stands out here.
The film was a tremendous success and the production raised a fortune. There are those who even say that the mob took advantage of the opportunity in the way that best suited it. For posterity, however, the strong social impact that the film had remained, which gave it an importance that, otherwise, it would never have had the right to aspire to.
- filipemanuelneto
- Jan 14, 2024
- Permalink
Of all the quality adult films out there, why is this particular movie so popular? It's title is a household name, and undeservedly so. Artless, with poor sound (even for a porn flick), ugly cast, unappealing sex scenes that focus on genitalia closeups way too much to be taken as anything but exploitation, yet "Deep Throat" is the film that most represents the world of 1970's Adult film. Maybe it's the cool title, or some brilliant marketing techniques, but most people who seek this out are gonna be disappointed. I implore those people who become disillusioned with the 70's porn genre when watching this as their first expose into that world, to seek out films like "Sometime Sweet Susan," "The Story of Joanna," "Butterflies," "Lustful Feelings," "Wet Rainbow," "Dracula Sucks,"Sex Wish," "The Image" etc. all of these films are worlds better than "Deep Throat" on every level. I find "Deep Throat" to be depressing, and the jokes are corny, and juvenile. I'm usually a great fan of Harry Reems, but even he is not on his game here. And it's not as if the man can't do comedy; check out Reems in "Sherlick Holmes" to see him in top form. The worst thing about "Deep Throat," is that it makes sex look dirty and depressing...and a good adult film will never do that, because there is usually some artistic quality to go with the sex on screen, and also a good story. "Deep Throat" is about as sexy as dirty socks..and unless you have a foot fetish, that isn't praise..As a connoisseur of Classic Smut I can't recommend "Deep Throat," other than for curiosity purposes.
If you'd like to send your mind on a journey through a sewer then watch this film. It's surely the ugliest and least erotic sex film ever made. Why it became the most famous sex film of all time is quite beyond me, there were much more competent films of the genre being made around this period. The script is stupid, the photography appalling, the acting atrocious and the sex appeal of Linda Lovelace and her 'speciality' is zilch. This film is so grubby you may feel the need to take a shower after watching it. There are only two very minor plus points: the likable personality of Harry Reems and the catchy music score. But I wouldn't recommend watching it, it's really not worth soiling your mind for.
- Greensleeves
- Jun 13, 2007
- Permalink
Although Deep Throat isn't exciting as various porn movies from the 80's and later, it deserves to be watched, because it led porn industry to grow up, taking adult movies from the underground to mainstream, in other words, it was fundamental to form the porn industry we have today. If you love porn movies, give Deep Throat a try, at least you can see how pornography was born.
The sex scenes are pretty lame and the dialogs funny. But remember, it was 1972, and Deep Throat fought against censorship, limited budget and low time. I wonder how people on that time reacted about a movie like this. So many liked, so many hated... But the fact is that Deep Throat is a unforgettable classic, and will be remained for many years.
The sex scenes are pretty lame and the dialogs funny. But remember, it was 1972, and Deep Throat fought against censorship, limited budget and low time. I wonder how people on that time reacted about a movie like this. So many liked, so many hated... But the fact is that Deep Throat is a unforgettable classic, and will be remained for many years.
- andropov_br
- Apr 11, 2005
- Permalink
It makes me want to hang a sign out: "Men's Service Specialist: Deep Throats, receiving anal, groups OK.". I have to have 10 lines.. More Ads: "Men's Sexual Services At Home, motel, car, office.". "Route Service Sales Reps - Sexual Services"..Easy off/on off Rt. 32, Sardinia OH.. "Office, At Workplace Service"..I can come to Your office or workplace to help You get relief..I love sliding under a desk and taking care of You good..Some reasons to have this queer boy: 1. I love receiving anal sex..2. I love giving blow-jobs..3. I love to swallow..4. I love receiving anal cream-pies..5. I never say no to sex or giving blow- jobs..6. I have sex anywhere..7. I'll wear sexy lingerie for You..8. You can breed me and I never get pregnant..9. I never get a period..10. I will be Your domesticated gay slut 24/7..
- alongneckturtle
- Nov 9, 2015
- Permalink
I think this movie is a good one because it should be on DVD and Blu-Ray uncut and uncensored. It should be the most profitable movie ever made. Maybe they should make a remake of Deep Throat only more erotic and much different. Linda Lovelace is a wonderful actress and will always be remembered in this movie. If Carmen Electra did a remake of that movie, that would be terrific. I think a remake of Deep Throat in erotic version because it is a suggestion. Even it would be difficult to find the original version of Deep Throat even on video tape and not DVD and Blu-ray, then this could be a problem not for America, but worldwide also.
1/10 for Movie, 10/10 for Porn. Some hideously cheesy lines, yet absolutely hilarious because they are so bad! I definitely would count this as pornography.
The story is about this lady who can't get an orgasm through sex, so her friend tries to help her out by inviting about ten guys which they proceed to have sex with to no avail.
Next, she goes to see a doctor, whom tells her that the reason she can't orgasm is because her clitoris is in her mouth (yeah, re-read that sentence because I certainly didn't make a mistake!), so she proceeds to give him a blowjob to test this theory out.
In review, I wish girls in real life were this easy!
The story is about this lady who can't get an orgasm through sex, so her friend tries to help her out by inviting about ten guys which they proceed to have sex with to no avail.
Next, she goes to see a doctor, whom tells her that the reason she can't orgasm is because her clitoris is in her mouth (yeah, re-read that sentence because I certainly didn't make a mistake!), so she proceeds to give him a blowjob to test this theory out.
In review, I wish girls in real life were this easy!
the timing was perfect: 1972, Dick Nixon, Vietnam, sexual revolution, etc. If you recall Bernardo Bertolucci's "Last Tango in Paris" is from this very same period, though in my opinion not as enduring as Deep Throat. Deep Throat defined and pretty much set in motion the modern porn genre and actually anticipated the massive porn industry as we know it today. There were law suits and supreme court rulings. Alan Dershwitz defended Harry Reems and William Buckley had a whole program devoted to the movie. It is perhaps one of the most influential movies of all time and it made many to question, analyze, and think, and that is the hallmark of a great movie.
I have been aware of the movie Deep Throat since I was a kid, but have only recently seen it. My interest was piqued by the documentary film Inside Deep Throat, which I saw listed in the television schedule. Recalling the movie, I watched the documentary out of curiosity, then downloaded Deep Throat to view the source of all that attention in the 1970s.
I was interested to read the text that appears at the opening of the film. This refers to Sigmund Freud's theories with regard to the four mental stages of an individual, the last two being oral and genital. The text goes on to state that Deep Throat is a film portraying one young woman's transition from the oral to the genital psychological state. Yes, of course it is! Having watched Inside Deep Throat I realised that this was a sop to the legal authorities; porn was outlawed, but "educational" movies about sex were allowed. Thus all commercial porn films prior to Deep Throat had featured an overdubbed voice providing the "educational" content for the sex scenes. The Deep Throat producers were the first to abandon the overdubbed educational voice (or so Inside Deep Throat stated), and the opening text for Deep Throat was obviously their version of the "educational" fig leaf.
The movie itself was something of a surprise. The nature and extent of the sexual content was much greater than I had expected. Inside Deep Throat had stated that the film was the first proper commercial porn movie, so I had expected it to be a lot tamer than it was. In actuality it contained everything a current (non-fetish) porn movie would have, including graphic close-ups, anal sex and double penetration. Moreover, the graphic sex is on screen within perhaps 90 seconds of the opening credits, and remains on screen for most of the runtime. I would guess that sex is on screen for at least 80% of the movie's length.
Another surprise was that this is a short film about 61 minutes in the uncut version. That seems very short for a film which had such a large cultural impact.
One might suspect that Deep Throat is an example of quality over quantity - but this is certainly not a quality film. Every aspect is cheap and of low quality script, acting, camera-work, cinematography. It is also very obvious that all expenses were spared when making the movie.
This complete absence of anything resembling quality was another surprise. Inside Deep Throat had commented on the supposedly superior quality and production values of Deep Throat when compared to other porn films, particularly those made today. But this just isn't true. What you see on screen is an exact reflection of the reality of this movie a film thrown together for very little money by people with very little talent.
That being said, Deep Throat is still an enjoyable movie. I could never claim that it is a good movie, but it is enjoyable at its own level a silly film which provides an hour of fun entertainment. In fact it is rather redolent of many of the jokey low-rent soft-core porn movies made in the 1970s but with added hardcore sex. The script, though of low quality, is amusing - and sometimes very funny. This is true throughout, from the opening lines to the last. Largely because of this approach the film leaves the impression of being innocent fun, which some might find incongruous in light of the it's sexual content.
Linda Lovelace is OK in the lead role, but could never be accused of possessing a talent for acting. However, she is very good at the party trick which is the subject of the film, and when she performs this act she is never less than entertaining to watch. This being said, her general oral sex technique is not of the first-rank, lacking romance or tenderness. (I suspect that this is a consequence of being on-camera.) Nor is she a particularly good looking woman. However, she is sufficiently attractive for the purposes of the film. That is true for all of the women in this movie.
So should you watch this film? Well, obviously not if graphic sexual scenes offend you. But for everyone else I would say yes, it is well worth watching. Consider it a fun, silly comedy that happens to feature a lot of no-holds-barred sex and you will enjoy it. Just make sure that you don't watch Deep Throat in the expectation of viewing a masterpiece. If you do you will be sorely disappointed.
Try to catch the documentary Inside Deep Throat as well it will add to your enjoyment.
I was interested to read the text that appears at the opening of the film. This refers to Sigmund Freud's theories with regard to the four mental stages of an individual, the last two being oral and genital. The text goes on to state that Deep Throat is a film portraying one young woman's transition from the oral to the genital psychological state. Yes, of course it is! Having watched Inside Deep Throat I realised that this was a sop to the legal authorities; porn was outlawed, but "educational" movies about sex were allowed. Thus all commercial porn films prior to Deep Throat had featured an overdubbed voice providing the "educational" content for the sex scenes. The Deep Throat producers were the first to abandon the overdubbed educational voice (or so Inside Deep Throat stated), and the opening text for Deep Throat was obviously their version of the "educational" fig leaf.
The movie itself was something of a surprise. The nature and extent of the sexual content was much greater than I had expected. Inside Deep Throat had stated that the film was the first proper commercial porn movie, so I had expected it to be a lot tamer than it was. In actuality it contained everything a current (non-fetish) porn movie would have, including graphic close-ups, anal sex and double penetration. Moreover, the graphic sex is on screen within perhaps 90 seconds of the opening credits, and remains on screen for most of the runtime. I would guess that sex is on screen for at least 80% of the movie's length.
Another surprise was that this is a short film about 61 minutes in the uncut version. That seems very short for a film which had such a large cultural impact.
One might suspect that Deep Throat is an example of quality over quantity - but this is certainly not a quality film. Every aspect is cheap and of low quality script, acting, camera-work, cinematography. It is also very obvious that all expenses were spared when making the movie.
This complete absence of anything resembling quality was another surprise. Inside Deep Throat had commented on the supposedly superior quality and production values of Deep Throat when compared to other porn films, particularly those made today. But this just isn't true. What you see on screen is an exact reflection of the reality of this movie a film thrown together for very little money by people with very little talent.
That being said, Deep Throat is still an enjoyable movie. I could never claim that it is a good movie, but it is enjoyable at its own level a silly film which provides an hour of fun entertainment. In fact it is rather redolent of many of the jokey low-rent soft-core porn movies made in the 1970s but with added hardcore sex. The script, though of low quality, is amusing - and sometimes very funny. This is true throughout, from the opening lines to the last. Largely because of this approach the film leaves the impression of being innocent fun, which some might find incongruous in light of the it's sexual content.
Linda Lovelace is OK in the lead role, but could never be accused of possessing a talent for acting. However, she is very good at the party trick which is the subject of the film, and when she performs this act she is never less than entertaining to watch. This being said, her general oral sex technique is not of the first-rank, lacking romance or tenderness. (I suspect that this is a consequence of being on-camera.) Nor is she a particularly good looking woman. However, she is sufficiently attractive for the purposes of the film. That is true for all of the women in this movie.
So should you watch this film? Well, obviously not if graphic sexual scenes offend you. But for everyone else I would say yes, it is well worth watching. Consider it a fun, silly comedy that happens to feature a lot of no-holds-barred sex and you will enjoy it. Just make sure that you don't watch Deep Throat in the expectation of viewing a masterpiece. If you do you will be sorely disappointed.
Try to catch the documentary Inside Deep Throat as well it will add to your enjoyment.
In 1968, the Production Code was abandoned and replaced by the MPAA classification system. Valenti gave producers the option of giving themselves a self-imposed 'X' rather than submit the film for a rating. X was the only one they hadn't registered a trademark. From 1969-1970 there was a glut of soft-core X rated films in the marketplace like "I am Curious, Yellow" and "Inga". However, by 1971, XXX hard-core had established itself in many urban areas and essentially replaced the soft-core X product. "Deep Throat" became a test case regarding the level of pornography that was going to be acceptable in theaters. It was subject to extension litigation and several were brought up on charges including Harry Reems. For a period of time it was declared obscene in New York. I traveled with a group of high school friends to see it in New Jersey circa 1973 and even though we were underage, we got in. Needless to say, with all the hoopla surrounding the picture I was disappointed. It was a typical boring porn notwithstanding Lovelace's ability to control her gag reflex. I've seen better and I've seen worse. The trouble with most porn is that eroticism is both psychological as well as physical. A truly sensual scene requires performance, some motion picture technical finese as well as the mechanics of sex. Few porno actresses had any acting talent beyond faking orgasms and the production value of most XXX features tended to be poor. "Deep Throat" is no exception. Richard W. Haines
- rdh7182373
- Aug 5, 2001
- Permalink