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The Waltons (TV Series 1972–1981) Poster


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A truly wonderful, wholesome show.
Analog_Devotee14 August 2021
Ten years ago, I was working in private home healthcare for an elderly woman in her nineties. Every day at three o'clock, she would sit down and watch an episode of this show, which also happened to be what time my breaktime rolled around. I was enthralled with television shows like Breaking Bad and Lost at the time and my initial thought of this wholesome countryside yarn about a large family doing their best to get by was... Well, I just assumed it wouldn't be my cup of tea. But every time I'd sit down with my snack on her afghan-encased sofa, I found myself getting drawn more and more into the show, until one day she insisted I use the entire hour as a break so we could enjoy the episodes together. Her daughter, my boss, wasn't exactly keen on the idea of me being paid to literally watch television for an hour instead of taking a customary twenty-minute break, but her insistence persevered. She was old and lonely and told her daughter that having a guest to watch television with was worth the eight bucks. I worked there for about two and a half years, watching an episode of The Waltons with her everyday up until the day before her passing.

I still tune in once in a blue moon if I happen to catch a rerun, but it's never quite the same. This show opened my mind and broadened my viewing horizons and I couldn't be more thankful. Wild, out of sight action-dramas can be great, and so can terrifying horror flicks, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying something tethered to strong family values. You can learn a lot from this show. Yes, you. Everyone. Give it a chance.
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A lot of mouths to feed
bkoganbing25 July 2017
The Waltons made its TV debut in the midst of the Nixon Presidency and I think its popularity had a lot to do with the fact that people were yearning for some simpler times when issues were not so complex. They also took to their hearts a family that stuck together through some very hard times as the Depression in rural America.

The show was seen through the eyes of eldest son John-Boy as played by Richard Thomas. He wanted to be a writer, a budding Hemingway or Faulkner, and he made it to college. The parents were Ralph Waite and Michael Learned and they were a down to earth pair. John-Boy was the first of several kids and they were played by Jon Walmsley, Mary Beth McDonough, Eric Scott, David Harper, Kami Cotler and Judy Norton. A lot of mouths to feed, but somehow they were all fed both materially and spiritually.

We had the extended family as well with Waite's parents Will Geer and Ellen Corby lending the wisdom of the older generations. The Waltons may have been the closest knit family in the history of television.

People in that were either farmers or miners. With agriculture now agribusiness and mines closed these same folks, New Deal Democrats to the core now vote Republican. You kind of wonder what the kids who are most aged if they are still alive think.

It was a simpler time.
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A masterful TV drama (for the first few season anyways)
timmcd-8420228 December 2020
The first few seasons of "The Waltons" was as good as character-driven TV series got. A rare confluence of great writing, directing and acting places many of these episodes in the pantheon of television drama. Episodes such as "The Literary Man," "The Star," "The Conflict," and "An Easter Story" are textbook examples of how to do TV drama. Buoyed by excellent writing (John McGreevey, Nigel McKeand, Joanna Lee, Hindi Brooks) and the foundational cast of Richard Thomas (John-Boy), Ralph Waite (John), Michael Learned (Olivia), Ellen Corby (Grandma) and the iconic Will Geer (Grandpa), "The Waltons" had few peers in 1970s TV.

Unfortunately the show never recovered from the triple gut punch it suffered after the fifth season; the departure of it's main star Richard Thomas, Ellen Corby's debilitating stroke which would essentially take her off the show, and the death of Will Geer. Although the show stayed on the air for four more seasons, the decline in quality was evident.

Writers did their best to make the Walton siblings interesting, but the lack of charisma and acting ability from these actors made it a hard sell. The show finally reached its nadir with the return of John-Boy played by a different actor (truly one of the most bizarre decisions ever made in TV history). Eventually Michael Learned and Ralph Waite would depart as well and the show would limp on for another season and a half before airing its final episode in 1981, a shadow of what it once was.
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Wonderful, nostalgic series of family warmth and closeness
roghache15 June 2006
This is a delightful series with wholesome values that my own family often watched together during my son's earlier growing up years. It chronicles the ongoing story of a Depression Era family living in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia...often seen though the eyes of the oldest son John Boy, a budding author, who relates his family's experiences in a journal. The series follows the Walton family through both the Depression and World War II. It also portrays the career paths, courtships, & marriages of many of the children, the births of new grandchildren, and the illnesses, aging, & deaths of some of the characters.

The mother, Olivia, is a devout Baptist who must deal with an extended stay in hospital as she suffers from tuberculosis. The father, John, though perhaps a little lapsed in his own faith, runs a saw mill and is a hard working man of integrity. The couple have seven children. John Boy eventually goes off to Richmond for college, Boatwright University, and later embarks upon a journalistic career in New York. Mary Ellen, a feisty tomboy, grows up to become a nurse and marries a doctor, Curtis Willard, sent to Pearl Harbour just prior to the Japanese attack. Jason is the family's budding musician, sometimes providing lively entertainment at the local Dew Drop Inn. Ben marries at a young age the pretty Cindy, and the two are set up with charming little accommodations adjacent to the main Walton house. Erin, the pretty one with her various beaux, is employed at the local telephone switchboard and later by G.W. Haines. Jim Bob is a mechanical tinkerer, and Elizabeth the rather spoiled and generally irritating baby of the family.

Also living under the same roof are John's parents, the devilish but wise old Grandpa Zebulun and the strict & proper but feisty Grandma Esther. Years ago, it became a family chuckle that if Grandma Walton wouldn't have approved of the language, then it just wasn't acceptable! The banter between these grandparents is absolutely precious. I liked the multi generational aspects of the program with eventually four generations of Waltons. An ongoing storyline involved the stroke suffered by Grandma (and actress Ellen Corby), which restricted her movement and left her with a severe speech impediment. Also, actor Will Greer passed away, so the family was forced to grieve the loss of Grandpa.

The likable country store keeper, Ike Godsey, and his prim & snooty wife, Corabeth, appear regularly on the show. Other local characters are featured, including Yancy Tucker and a succession of various parsons (one was portrayed by actor John Ritter). Of course my favourites are the charming, elderly Baldwin sisters with their legendary Recipe inherited from their dearly departed father! Olivia and Grandma were strongly opposed to alcohol, but Grandpa would sometimes stop by at the Baldwins for a wee nip of the Recipe, actually moonshine whiskey. Some episodes also featured interactions with 'outsiders', including circus acrobats and gypsies.

Most of the individual episodes are quite engaging, and the family's interactions even during conflict show an underlying warmth. Their famous extended calls of Good Night are of course legendary! Many plot lines revolve around their various financial struggles to live a decent life during the Great Depression. The marital relationship between John & Olivia is well captured, as well as the siblings' interactions and their relationship with their parents & grandparents.

Sadly, I am not surprised that this heartwarming series is receiving a few disparaging reviews these days. Perhaps life wasn't all rosy and moral back in the 1930's with issues of poverty, racism and so forth. However, its values were generally preferable to the decaying ones of today, where materialism reigns supreme, parents & offspring alike feel entitled to their self absorbed attitude, rudeness is the norm in human interactions, the nuclear family and moral absolutes are becoming obsolete, and faith is mocked everywhere. This series represents the very antithesis of all such modern views, but thankfully, the vast majority of reviewers here still seem to appreciate it. Yes, better the Waltons than the Simpsons. My son is now a college sophomore, but admits to looking back fondly upon the series.

Indeed, these Walton characters are almost like family members in many homes, including my own. My compliments to actors Ralph Waite (John), Michael Learned (Olivia), Richard Thomas (John Boy), and all the others who brought them so vividly to life. Yes, the series can be sappy at times and may not always be realistic, but it is really not overly sentimental as some claim. Rather it is a depiction of the way we should ALL treat each other and the love, closeness, concern, warmth, and often unselfish giving that should be found in ALL our homes. Pity there aren't more TV programs nowadays that give us something worthy to aspire to.
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A breath of fresh air in 2004
Katz58 June 2004
Television has been going to the dogs over the past few years. I recently picked up the DVD set of the first season of The Waltons and have been engrossed with every episode. Each episode is like a miniature movie, with good acting and stories. And what people used to make fun of (the syrupy quality of the show) now is a welcome relief. I'd watch this over 99.9% of the junk on TV these days. One could have a field day writing about this show and comparing/contrasting it to The Sopranos. The Sopranos, a show that I enjoy equally for other reasons (I'm not counting HBO's shows as regular TV shows), is the polar opposite. That family is rich, profane, powerful, violent, confrontational, unhappy--while the Waltons are struggling (not exactly poor, despite the fact that it takes place during the Depression), wholesome, spiritual, loving, and HAPPY. The only thing I can quibble about The Waltons is the outdoor scenery. The tall mountains and pine trees are clearly in California, not Piedmont Virginia. The real Waltons mountain and home is not too far from where I live. There are signs off U.S. Route 29 directing tourists to the home, which I believe is now a museum. It may be worth a visit. All in all an excellent program. Definitely a collector's item.
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I truely believe that this program is my all-time favorite
nelson_l13 September 2003
I truely believe that this program is my all-time favorite. I had been married two months when, on September 14, 1972, Earl Hamner Jr. came on the TV screen just prior to the first episode of "The Waltons" to explain the nature of the series. I remember well his dialogue of introduction and the episode that followed. "The Waltons" was well acted, well scripted and very down to earth and touching. I wasn't living during the Depression, but, my parents and my in-laws were and their stories and descriptions of the life back then during those trying times was exactly reinacted in the series "The Waltons". The writing and the cast are truely amazing as they literally make the characters portrayed come alive. I will always love the series, "The Waltons". I only wish they produced programs of this calibre today.
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Best TV Show in the 1970s
cinemaniac20028 July 2011
I watched this show while it was on television in the 1970s. Because I lived in a very urban and hectic setting, it was my solace. I would escape to this show as a psychological refuge - it really was that valuable. I didn't realize it at the time, but this show gave me a kind of hope for humanity that I've not seen on television since. The decay of the American family over the years has demonstrated that even more over time.

I used to look forward to each and every episode, fascinated by John-Boy and his writing. I always loved school and books, and found his writing exploits to be therapeutic and life-changing. It was at this time that I started writing journals. I had the good fortune to run into Richard Thomas in Hollywood after I'd read a book of his poetry. He had become a father to triplets and was very gracious when I mentioned I'd read his book. He was driving a station wagon filled with Pampers while picking up some orange juice at a market near where I lived.

Seeing this family interact among each other was a stark contrast to my own. My mother worked outside the home evenings, and it was my job to co-parent the children that she had with my step-father. As he was the antithesis of Ralph Waite's character, I believe this is part of the reason why this series had such a profound effect upon me. This is ironic, given that my step-father was old enough to be my mother's father. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that perhaps children in challenging familial situations could benefit greatly from viewing this show. Unlike the frothy Brady Bunch, this show presents how the core of a real and loving family could ideally operate.

For sure, the Depression Era setting would make most any modern child grateful for what he or she has today. Just about every earthly family situation is represented, from daily life at that time to careers, courtships, marriages, births, aging, illnesses and deaths.

The integrity of the parents and how they work together as a team is paramount to how this family survives. They also embrace the wisdom of their parents, who reside with them. Each child is nourished in a way that allows each of them to become whom they wish to be. This is the one aspect that mirrors my life, as my own mother was progressive in her thoughts about personal freedom.

The family dynamic between the grandparents is really entertaining and sweet. The program's multi-generational nature accentuates what is usually a bland and forced storyline in family dramas.

The other characters are charming, too, from the store keeper, Ike Godsey, his rather snooty wife, Corabeth, to the elderly Baldwin sisters and their racy "family recipe" (moonshine whiskey) which they inherited from their father. While the women in the Walton household are opposed to alcohol, Grandpa would sneak out to visit the Baldwins for a little refreshment. Other wandering characters in the show could include people as diverse as gypsies and circus acrobats, which always shown a sharp contrast to this family-centric show.

The core of this show is definitely the interactions among the family, whose simple structure and financial struggles during the Depression to live a decent life during the Great Depression. The communication and warmth are human qualities that many families today lack and viewing this show could benefit them as an example of what a truly caring family team looks like. Despite the fact that the story took place so long ago, the familial aspects of the show are timeless.
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The Best Family Show to Hit The Airwaves in Its Time
garyldibert2 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The year was 1972 when this show hit the air wave on CBS September 14 as a weekly series. The Waltons was based on a large close-knit family living in rural Virginia during the Depression. The Creator Earl Hamner Jr. based the series on his own childhood, which he previously fictionalized in his novel, "Spencer's Mountain". The Waltons debuted on with Richard Thomas playing the role of John Boy Walton. In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, during the Great Depression, the Walton family makes its small income from its saw mill on Walton's Mountain. The story is told through the eyes of John Boy, who wants to be a novelist, goes to college, and eventually fulfills his dream. The saga follows the family through depression and war, and through growing up, school, courtship, marriage, employment, birth, aging, illness and death. This is the true story of the Waltons. The show takes place during the Depression and then during World War II. The other case members were as followed Ralph Waite played the role of John Walton Sr. Michael Learned played the role Oliva Walton, Judy Norton Taylor played the role of Marry Ellen, Jon Walmsley played the role of Jason Walton, Mary Beth McDonough played the role of Erin Walton, Eric Scott played the role of Ben Walton, David Harper played the role of Jim Bob Walton, Kami Cotler played the role of Elizabeth Walton, Will Greer played the role Grandpa and Ellen Corby played the role of Grandma. Other original characters included Joe Conley as general store owner, Ike Godsey, John Crawford as Sheriff Ep Bridges, Mariclare Costello as schoolteacher Miss Rosemary Hunter and Helen Kleeb and Mary Jackson as eccentric sisters-- Mamie and Emily Baldwin, respectively. The Waltons' first season brought critical acclaim and several awards. Both Richard Thomas and Michael Learned took home Best Actor Emmys, Ellen Corby was awarded the Best Supporting Actress honor and the series was given the Emmy for Outstanding Drama Series. The show also earned Emmys for writing and editing in addition to receiving the prestigious Peabody award. The series entered the top-ten in its second season and finished second that year to All in the Family. The show remained in the top twenty for the next few seasons and received several more Emmys, including two more for both Michael Learned and Ellen Corby and a Best Supporting Actor award for Will Geer. In all, The Waltons received 37 Emmy nominations and took home 13 of the golden statuettes. Three reunion movies have been produced in the 1990s for CBS. "A Walton Thanksgiving Reunion" (1993), "A Walton Wedding" (1995) and "A Walton Easter" (1997) all feature the original cast with the exception of the late Will Geer. The series opened in the fall of September 1972 with the first episode titled The Foundling. A six-year old deaf and dumb girl is abandoned on the Walton's doorstep. With loving care they teach her to "talk" with sign language. But their kindness to the foundling causes a family crisis. Elizabeth, playing hide-and-seek with the deaf and dumb girl Holly, runs into an old abandoned shack and hides inside an empty trunk, but the lid falls shut and locks itself. Holly sees what has happened and runs to get help but is picked up by her father who doesn't understand sign language and takes her away. John and the family pursue and Holly then tells them by sign language what has occurred, and Elizabeth is rescued in time. Holly's parents now realize that their little girl is not retarded and are now able to communicate with her. Based on the feelings of love this show gave I give it 9 weasel stars.
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Should have ended the series after Season 6.
mts4325 August 2020
Richard Thomas, "John Boy", left the series after Season 5. Ellen Corby, "Grandma Walton", suffered a stroke in November 1976, then was not in any further episodes until 1978, and only on a very limited basis because her stroke greatly impaired her ability to speak. The quality of the episodes without the John Boy character nosedived in Season 6, with many contrived storylines and the limited acting ability of the rest of the cast portraying the other six Walton children. Then Will Geer, "Grandpa Zeb Walton", died after Season 6 had been completed. The producers should have called it quits after Episodes 1-2 in Season 7, which were a tribute to Grandpa Walton and Geer, and the storylines continued to get worse. Michael Learned (Olivia Walton), also curtailed her performances on the series, and the writers had to come up with some dubious reasons why she'd be gone for much of the time, then reappear on occasions. The "Jump the Shark" moment came in Season 8 when they introduced not one but two "Cousin Olivers" (the Brady Bunch had just one) and even a fake John Boy! Given Richard Thomas's strong portrayal of John Boy for the first five seasons, the producers should have been smart enough (I know that's expecting a lot) to realize that a Fake John Boy was a terrible idea. The two kids were gone by Season 9, and I don't remember any explanation being given. In Season 9, the writers even came up with a fake Curtis, "resurrecting" Mary Ellen's husband, supposedly lost at Pearl Harbor in Season 7. The associated storyline was equally ludicrous. After that, the producers, who were obviously more concerned with the Bottom Line than program quality, fired Ralph Waite after just a few episodes in Season 9 in order to dump his salary. With the real John Boy, Grandpa, Grandma, Olivia, and now John Sr gone from the cast, , Season 9 was a complete embarrassment.
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Negative Comments over the Years
bozey4511 June 2008
One of the most air-headed comments over the years has been "This series does not in anyway depict the average depression era family." I heard this comment just recently by a talk show host talking about 70's TV shows. Well, duh!, it depicts the depression era family of Earl Hamner the show's creator and has nothing to do with "the average depression era American family." How even some supposed TV critics came up with that for a reason to be negative against the show has always puzzled me. The show was as I understand it true to life for the area around Schuyler, VA., the home of Earl Hamner. A couple of the characters on the show were composites of his actual siblings (he had one more sibling than the Waltons). A special that aired in the late 1970's united his real brothers and sisters with their TV counterparts. The program is hugely successful worldwide and I'm glad that most comments are by and large supportive of the show and always have been save for that few who can't get their facts straight.
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THE WALTONS: Simple Pleasures of Life
Jinxxa_Wolf22 May 2024
THE WALTONS (1972-1981) is a classic historical series revolving around an American family, the Waltons, during both their years of scarcity and years of plenty. The family is faced with many obstacles. This show is heavily drama, but there is some romance, comedy, and adventure as well.

"The life and trials of a 1930s and 1940s Virginia mountain family through financial depression and World War II."

This series reflects traditional values, small town loyalty and morality of families in those days and it oftens can be both heartwarming and bitter sweet to watch. Few shows really center around the themes of a loving family, hard worth ethic and simple pleasures in life. However, the series does, at times feels a bit cheesy and soapy, but there is still quite a bit to appreciate in it. A classic.
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qljsystems9 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In the UK, the Waltons was a regular TV feature that marked out the 1970s decade, and - while its story lines contained the contemporary issue of its production time, and sometimes with a grain or two of excessive schmaltz - it remains to this day a remarkable achievement in TV history. I have to admit that my prejudices were foremost in my mind when my Brazilian wife requested me to buy the first four series boxed-set DVDs, and I advised her that I'd buy the first series only to see if she appreciated it before purchasing any more. But I was wrong. She consumed the series and, before long, I was hooked too. Nothing on TV today or or since the Waltons has ever portrayed loving, united and supportive family as courageously as the Waltons. If only I appreciated this when I was a teenager and the series came to a close in the very early 80's. By then, the world and his wife had enough of the Waltons and it was an idea that had outlived its usefulness, giving rise to a number of made-for-TV movies that were generally plot-less and nostalgic. Who would've ever guessed that in a matter of a few decades, after moral decay and worsening family values and a hefty back-catalogue of many TV series that espoused dysfunction and moral ambiguity, that the Waltons would arise like the phoenix from the ashes to entertain families around the world and educate us all in what a loving and united family looks like.

There are several comments that denounce the Waltons, because of its unrealistic portrayal of the Great Depression. They have a point - but nobody really knows how Virginian farming-community families lived during the Great Depression, because all we have are the novels and newspaper reports that focus on the drama and tragedy. In truth, the Waltons indeed do seem to be saved financially at the ninth hour by some act of compassion or sacrifice. But this is the whole point of the show. Unlike today's self-centered, egotistical, morally ambiguous solutions popularized by today's TV shows, the Waltons wasn't about portraying the Great Depression realistically, but about portraying wholesome family life. Sure, maybe such a family is a myth, but it's one worth aspiring to.

However, we mustn't forget that The Waltons depicted not only the Depression but also the struggle to survive for farming communities during the War Years, when the US industrialized. This is often overlooked, but is worth mentioning as it provides a backdrop of a historically important developments in US history. The Waltons simply portrays a world and time that has disappeared.

Every episode is jam-packed with heart and compassion and the Waltons overcome their ordeals through respect and understanding.

It's worth pointing out to the 'realists' out there that the show's pilot is a much more authentic portrayal of the Great Depression, centering around the theme of John Walton returning home through the ice and snow from Richmond to spend Christmas with his family. In that pilot episode, John-Boy and the children are acted by the same cast, however Olivia Walton and John Walton are played by different actors. Throughout the 90-minute screenplay, John-Boy is shown to be wracked by self-doubt and fears for his father's safe return in time for Christmas. The children are lost and forlorn and toil through the wintry conditions. Olivia Walton is haggard, nervy and verging on mental collapse - her character is portrayed as dark and regretful and morose. The entire pilot episode jars the soul and fails to unite as seamlessly as the subsequent series did. It took guts and vision to the producers and sponsors to back the series on the basis of that pilot, and real insight to re-cast Olivia and John Walton and polish up the scripts to focus on functional rather than dysfunctional family life.

Nobody needs reminding of how terrible the Great Depression was or how the evil banks exploited the poor and desperate. We have enough reminders about these facts today. And it's probably a sad fact that even the cast of the show had family-lives that were poor reflections of those they played in the Waltons. Even so, what people need is to see something good and praiseworthy and beautiful, something they can aspire to, rather than earthy, visceral and pessimistic. Nobody created the Waltons to address the sins of the Depression, but to deliver a show about a family where every member of the family is loved, not just by the fictional characters, but also by the viewers. I have to confess it is amazing how at home I feel when I watch an episode and how familiar the Waltons feel to me, almost as if they're extended family to me. Perhaps this is the real genius of the show and why there are so many faithful followers of the show who visit conventions, Waltons Mountain (in California!), and write to the cast and plead for more reunion TV appearances. Sure, I see the odd moment of schmaltz or social commentary, but I recognize it and ignore it in favour of the wholesome values the show espouses.

The Waltons is a gem of TV production that - like good wine - had to stand for a few years before it matured into the product that many value. It deserves to be remembered, re-watched and applauded in the annals of good TV for the sake of generations yet to come. Buy it while you can and cherish it. Future generations will probably become parents who believe that Desperate Housewives, the Sopranos, Confessions of a Call Girl, Six Feet Under, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Cold Case are family-friendly, wholesome productions.
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Family Show, But Boring
AngelHonesty18 December 2019
I liked that this show was clean and is about a family trying to get through the struggles of life. It makes a good family show; it has heart to it. But each episode doesn't build off of the next. Every day is literally a new day with no major story or theme to build from. After a while this show gets boring.
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Gag me with a spoon
heckles27 August 2002
I recently turned on an episode of 'The Waltons,' as I have recently moved to southern West Virginia and wanted to see how the show's fictionalized presentation stacked up against the real thing. I watched one episode; if that episode is any indication, this show was goddawful tripe.

The most minor offense is that the show was obviously filmed in a California backlot, not in the Virginia/West Virginia mountains. More significant is that the cast looks too well fed and groomed to seem Depression era people - you can almost hear the director tell them to take off their shoes and walk barefoot to school, in order to make these 1970s people look impoverished.

Allow me to recount the plot of the episode. John-Boy has barely scraped together $2.30 for a new pair of 'britches' to wear to the dance with some girl he had set his eyes on. (Isn't the Walton family Baptist?)

Meanwhile Grandpa discovers an injured seagull on his property and fixes up a cage to nurse it back to health. -Would a real time-pressed subsistence farmer do this? Engage in this bit of creature sentimentality when he slices the throats of pigs every October to keep his family fed? No, he'd wack the bird with a shovel and throw it on a compost pile.

And best of all, an elderly Scottish widow asks John-Boy over to repair her car - seems she wants to go to the seashore. J-B repairs it, while a doctor counsels the woman not to attempt to drive long distance. Here I catch on what's going to happen: Oh-oh, John Boy. Run away from this woman, fast, or kiss your dance goodbye.

Sure enough, she hornswaggles him into driving her to the shore instead of attending the dance. The General Store doesn't mind taking back the purchased britches- even after they had been altered. J-B and the widow head off, to the coast and back in one day, although I wouldn't try that now and the area's roads were often unpaved back then. (Can't have J-B and the widow out overnight.) J-B uses the refunded $2.30 to by lobster to simulate the widow's honeymoon dinner, which leaves her with a happy glow. Lesson: young people should ignore their sex drives and focus on pleasing the elderly, no matter how irrational their demands may be. Should I mention that the widow has a fatal heart attack right after this excursion? In the last scene, Grandpa sets the aforementioned seagull free. It's a symbol of the widow's spirit, get it? GET IT?

I have to mentioned this show's politics, only because Bush Sr. in 1991 mentioned this show as what Americans really want to see, as opposed to 'The Simpsons'. It was apparently based on the idea that what America nowadays needs to hear in the 'we were poor back then, but we were moral.'

Balderdash. If there ever was a moral golden age in America, it wasn't the early '30s. Banks foreclosing on farmers weren't conveying any kind of moral lesson except the mercilessness of capital. The legions of tramps left legions of wives and children behind. For every John Dillinger and Bonnie Parker, there were a thousand people you haven't heard of who looked for the solution to want outside the law.

Contrary to the theme of the show, poverty doesn't make a society more moral. Poverty just sucks.
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Need More TV Shows Like This One
meows1112 July 2004
Both my parents are dead and gone, but where raised in the Southwest mountains of Virginia during the depression, as Baptists, they along with myself and other members of our family watched this show every week. Several of us still watch it every morning, it comes on here at 7 am, it's a great start to my day. Every episode may not be exactly as some remember, that lived during that era, but it's a lot more true to life than most of what is on TV today. It would be nice if there were shows that even came close to this one, made now. Children and grown-ups alike could benefit from acting a little more like the Waltons, than a lot of people they try to imitate from TV in this day and time.
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Not the Typical Glamorous People on Television, Honest Look at Depression Era Life
classicalsteve15 February 2014
In the entertainment industry today, most casting directors want the extraordinary looks first, and then if that's present, the acting skills are then evaluated. The Walton's television series of the 1970's was an extraordinary exception. Almost none of the cast had the looks of the typical 1970's to early 1980's television stars like, Jacqueline Smith, Lee Majors, Joan Collins or Farrah Fawcett. Seeing an old woman with her granddaughter sitting at the family table and preparing beans for the family meal is something which will never be seen again on American television in the foreseeable future. They say grace at meals, and they attend the local protestant church. (Interestingly, European television shows portray more "ordinary" people.)

The Waltons are middle-class people living during the Great Depression in the 1930's. Their clothes are ordinary and even drab. The women wear very little makeup, and they drive average cars from the period. They live in a humble two-story house with small bedrooms, a kitchen and eating area. Occasionally they listen to the radio dramas at night. They don't wear furs or silk, drive in Cadillacs, and reside in a large luxury manor whose entryway is larger than most people's apartments. This was probably the most honest portrayal of a middle class family ever to air on television. The characters of the show engage in regular work: preparing meals, chopping down trees, and buying goods at the local general store. Within this show were interesting stories often centered on some kind of stranger staying with the Waltons during the course of an episode.

The character at the heart of the show was John-Boy Walton (played by Richard Thomas), loosely based on the series' writer-creator Earl Hamner. John-Boy is an aspiring writer, and at the beginning of each episode, the voice of Earl Hamner tells the story of the Waltons as if looking back to his past. The Waltons was loosely based on Hamner's experiences growing up in depression-ear Virginia. Other characters of note are John Walton Sr. (Ralph Waite), Olivia Walton (Michael Learned), Grandpa (Will Geer), Grandma (Ellen Corby), and John-Boy's brothers and sisters.

Other supporting characters lived around the town, such as Ike Godsey and his wife at the General store, and two spinster sisters who are the wealthiest of the locals. The Waltons and their surrounding community are Protestant Christians who frown on things like alcohol, even though most likely the story is set just after Prohibition. Every once in awhile, Grandpa, my favorite character of the show, would spike lemonade with a "secret formula" and then plead innocence when it was found out. One Walton trademark which kind of entered into the American lexicon is the voice-overs which occur at the end of each episode where the characters speak about what they experienced, a bit like the ending jokes of many television westerns and even Star Trek. The voice-overs always occurred with a birds-eye view of the Waltons' house at night with a couple of the windows still lit. Then after all the good-nights were said, the light in the windows would dim. (I remember seeing a Mad Magazine spoof of Star Trek with an illustration of the hull of the ship, and the captions read: "Good night Captain. Good night Mr Spock. Good night John-Boy.")

One of the few television series which portrays a family dealing with the real issues of family life in the 1930's. Not glamorous, not beautiful, but very real. If you're interested in seeing something of substance, try the Waltons. However, if you wish to see a production which takes you to fantasy-land, like Charlies's Angels, best look elsewhere.
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A step back into the past.
susansbowles23 July 2020
This series is set during the 1930's and 1940's which was my parents' generation. I have always enjoyed this peak in the past as seen through the day to day life of this family based on the writer's (Earl Hamner's) real family. It's a classic!
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Sure wish it was still this way
mel57patt21 July 2021
Best show ever we should still live like thos love one another treat others as we want to be treated. Amazing still.
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Wholesome show
marysammons-422202 January 2019
This is a wholesome and enjoyable show. Some of y'all complaining it's not realistic remember it was based on Earl Hamner's life. He has six siblings and the goodnight routine actually happened in his home. There may be some inconsistencies like the time jumps in the later movies and such. Someone said they all looked to healthy to be poor and there was always plenty of food, well they are actors not people during the actual depression. Plus there's poor and poor. They may have grown their own foods and such. They had chickens and other farm animals Plus this is based on Hamner's life.
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Beautiful family
jilljohnson-803597 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am so glad patricia neal did not reprise her role as olivia walton. The homecoming was soooo hard to watch because of her. Yelling all the time that deep husky voice of hers would have ruined it.

Michael learned olivia, the wife and mother,so beautiful, everything about her was beautiful! She was the epitome of what a mother should be. Ralph Waite the father and husband great man played the part well. He was not a church goer, worshipped in his own way. Good man worked tirelessly. Will geer as grandpa, excellent portrayal! He truly made the show worth while! The heart of the series. Ellen corby as grandma, she played it perfectly. Kind and loving but a bit prickly too even things out. Richard Thomas as s john boy the oldest son a writer in the make. Jon walmsley as Jason, he's a fantastic musician. Judy Norton plays mary ellen. Ewbellious wants to be a nurse. Eric Scott, plays ben, he has an understanding of machinery. Mary Elizabeth mc donough she's the prettiest walton. David harper as Jim Bob. He wants to be a pilot. Kami cooler she's the youngest walton.

The show at its best was when will geer was alive. When he passed away the heart beat left with him. He was such an energized spirit. A great show but it became repetitious after that.
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Good show, good acting. I still like it.
azahora1 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching The Waltons in the 90's when I was little. I recently started watching it again and I still like it. Sometimes they remind me of my family.I like how everything doesn't have any easy answer. Everything's not all black and white. The mom and dad are cute together and the grandparents are too even though grandma is always scolding grandpa. I think John Walton is one of the best TV dads because hes not stereotypical or one-dimensional. He's good, kind, hard working guy. Perhaps I'm biased because John-Boy is and always has been my favorite character. But the earlier seasons are infinitely better. I don't really understand how they could get away with continuing the show after Richard Thomas left because I thought John-Boy was the main character. Somethings missing after Richard Thomas left and no one can take his place. I feel like everyone is kind of waiting around for John-Boy to come back. In some episodes it seems like they make an attempt to have Jason take his place but it just doesn't work. Maybe they should have ended the series after Richard Thomas left. They definitely shouldn't have tried to have someone else play John-Boy. Don't get me wrong, it's not that there weren't any good episodes without John-Boy there just weren't as many great ones. As afore mentioned, John-Boy is my favorite character. I love his artistic personality and that he loves reading and poetry too (and not just to attract girls). He's a sweet, intelligent, caring guy (Why don't I ever meet anyone like that?). Pretty awesome character. He sure has a lot of girl friends which isn't that hard to understand. But I don't understand why it never works out because he's a nice guy. I always thought he was cute, and I get made fun of for this, but I still do. Anyways, good show and for the most part, I don't think it's sappy like some reviewers have said.
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Not seen this since the 70's
davidcooney-017249 November 2023
Haven't seen this show in almost 50yrs and i'm half way through i think. Nearly at the end of season 4 and you can see that Little House on the Prairie copied a lot of the stories, ideas and plots from The Waltons. Don't understand why they would cast two of the female children the same age as two of the male children which would have given The Waltons two sets of twins in the family when there was in fact no twins. A strange one. An ok show though a lot of the episodes are quite boring and like Little House there's far too much of John-Boy and Laura Ingles in these two shows.

In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, during the Great Depression, the Walton family makes its small income from its sawmill on Walton's Mountain. The story is told through the eyes of eldest son John-Boy, who wants to be a novelist, goes to college, and eventually fulfills his dream. The saga follows the family through economic depression and World War II; and through growing up, school, courtship, marriage, employment, birth, aging, illness, and death.
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Love the Waltons...but a couple issues...
carlbrudd26 April 2020
I'm always ready for some good old Waltons viewing. My favorite episodes include Marsha Woolery, CoraBeth, Stanley Perkins and Miss Rose. John Ritter was pretty good in this effort too. Some things amuse how they are supposed to be hard scrabble mountain folk struggling though the depression, yet they seem to have very elegant furnishings for the period. Beautiful lamps, mirrors, beautiful dressers, the beds are always neatly made with fantastic quilts. Huge throw rugs everywhere, nice drapes, nice curtains, china, silverware, lovely wall hangings. It's like the set designers were showing off! ~ ~ Next issue is grandpa. Now I had two grandpas and I've known lots of them way back...and I can't recall a single one who was as swish as that old fool. He walks like an old woman and can't seem to stop wiggling his fingers. Awful. ~ ~ Last issue, stick with me. Correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm not, but in WW2 there was a thing called Selective Service, aka THE DRAFT. In reality, them Walton boys would have been inducted before you could say Jack Robinson. No shuffling about pondering about it, or taking months to decide. No...BOOM!'re drafted. And Lastly, why was Yancy unceremoniously written out of the show? He was the most authentic cast member and one of the most entertaining.
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It's OK
llamaslothinc23 November 2021
So the little two kids and John boy are the only kid characters actually portrayed with any real acting, and even then, as Jim Bob and Elizabeth got older, the acting dipped exponentially. Without John boy and the adults, this show would be mind-numbingly pointless - as it was in later seasons. It's decent when John boy is the focus of the plot, although some of the relationship dynamics still give off weird and problematic vibes (like when Mary Ellen is into anyone or when anyone is into John boy). I understand it is portraying a certain time, but it could be more real. For what it is though, I find it hard to give any other rating, as I find it hard to believe anyone should expect this to be anything else.
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Excellent remedy for insomnia
When I was in my second year of college, I met this girl and we became the best of friends. She moved to another state, and unfortunately, I lost contact with her. I texted her cell number, but the person who replied wasn't her, so she must've changed it (which I thought was odd, as people usually keep the same number, even if they get a new phone), and I mailed a Christmas card to the same address that she sent me a letter from after she had moved, but it came back to my house. She was so genuine and kindhearted. I really do hope I can get in touch with her one day. I remember this being her favorite show. I personally don't like it, but I didn't come right out and tell her that. I find people who put down what another person loves to watch as having poor manners. It's like they don't possess the ability to recognize the difference between when it's appropriate to be blunt and when it's not. If I'm talking to someone who mentions a show or film they like that I don't care for, I just reply with "oh okay that's nice" and keep the conversation going. It's not something that's worth getting into a debate over. Therefore, since I was too polite to tell her I can't stand The Waltons, I wanted to post it here. I know it's a classic, and some people enjoy watching it because they feel like family values have gotten lost in today's society, but I never saw where the appeal was. Watching a couple raise seven kids in the Virginia mountains during the Great Depression is not my idea of entertaining. I can't even make it to half an episode. It's too sappy, and the production design is mediocre. The Untouchables makes you feel like you're watching people in the 1930s way more than this show does. Although it was adapted from Earl Hammer's experiences growing up in Schuyler, Virginia, it just comes off as phony. The Untouchables is way more addictive. The episodes were also inspired by true events, but it mirrored reality more so than The Waltons. I think another reason I love it is because it takes place in a city. I live in a rural area myself (well, it's more like a suburban community in the middle of a rural area), so watching shows about country bumpkin, small town people is boring to me. To each their own. All I know is, it's too cloying for me. Don't bother with this, or Little House on the Prairie. It's all the same.
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