AASHADH KA EK DIN is the ultimate expression of longing and unrequited love. With the help of the characters of Mallika and Kalidas, the film beautifully explores the various facets of emotion, passion, yearning and devotion associated with love. Mani Kaul also brings attention to the themes of loss, change, sacrifice, societal anxiety, and the complex relationship between an artist and his muse. The visuals are gorgeous and the lighting is impeccable. The acting suits the tone of the film perfectly and Rekha Sabnis is ethereal. The sound dubbing isn't always the best and some dialogues sound too stiffly delivered to leave their mark(primarily because it was written for the stage). The acting isn't always great either and the pace is slow. But despite all these minor issues, the emotional core of the film is never lost. The last scene where Kalidas leaves everything and returns to Mallika and tells her that she always was the inspiration behind all of his works and expresses his love for her was the standout scene for me(although the film is filled with such great scenes).
It's a deeply emotional film and a great one at that. The plot is not the primary focus here but isn't abandoned either. It's a forgotten masterpiece from the annals of Hindi Cinema that deserves more attention and praise.