I really liked this show when it was on. I would have been a young girl (10-11) back then. I'm assuming the episode about the daughter seeing her parents having sex didn't air. If it did, how do posters know what actually took place in that particular episode? Quite frankly, in the early 70's, that would have been too hot to handle. And I'm not sure an episode like that even today would be appropriate for very young children to see. At 10-11 years of age, I would have been kind of horrified if I had watched that episode with my parents in the room. I was just beginning to learn about the birds & bees at that age. Very uncomfortable and very before it's time if Carl Reiner got ticked off because they wouldn't air it. And I think all of the actors involved should have understood the controversy such an episode would have brought to the public that they weren't ready for at that point in time. It was a good show and I think it got axed way too early. I just never knew the whole story about the "sex" themed episode and why the show was canceled due to the actors/producers being angry about it.