The film begins in New York City with two vice cops named "Whitey Brandon" (Richard Coogan) and "Ben Dunton" (Frank Gerstle) intercepting a mobster by the name of "Muggsy" (Shepherd Sanders) and a young female model he is escorting from Dallas named "Gertie" (Juli Reding). As it turns out, Muggsy works for a mob boss named "Vince Malone" (Brad Dexter) who has made a fortune operating a high-class prostitution ring which he fills with women coming from various cities to include Detroit, St. Louis and Chicago. In this particular case, Whitey has gotten wise to Malone's activities and all he needs is some inside information from Muggsy to help clarify a few things. What Whitey doesn't realize, however, is that his partner is also working for Malone and, rather than jeopardize his position, kills Muggsy the first chance he gets him alone. Needless to say, this creates a problem for Whitey's investigation. Conversely, it also creates a problem for Malone who decides to get rid of Whitey by framing him for a crime he did not commit. And to do this he calls Detroit and has them send a special call girl named "Carol Hudson" (Mamie Van Doren) who is as smart as she is beautiful. Unfortunately, what nobody counts on is Carol's younger sister "Louise Hudson" (Carol Nugent) arriving a few days later which severely complicates matters for all concerned. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was an okay crime-drama which, for all intents and purposes, relies more heavily upon the presence of Mamie Van Doren than anything else, as she totally dominated every scene. Yet even though she definitely adds a certain amount of pizzaz to what would otherwise be a rather drab picture, her presence alone wasn't quite enough for me to rate this movie any higher than I have. Average.