I don't think that anybody involved with this picture,including Steve Reeves,would have considered it to be great art.it's the type of low budget "peplum"style film that were cranked out in the late 40s,50s,and 60s,that were shown on Saturday afternoon double-features.Still,from a technical perspective,it's very competently hand.Camera work,sound,dubbing,make-up,etc. is really a good,not a great job.
The plot,interestingly enough,does manage to transcend the usual tripe seen so often in films of this type.Granted,everybody in here fits into what is a 2 dimensional stereotype,at best.But,maybe the way to look at this is terms not of a drama,but,rather of a fairy tale.We've got:dashing heroes;beautiful heroines;jovial fathers;sinister villains;wise benign monarchs;somber antagonists;troubled princesses sacrificing happiness for duty;and loyal henchmen.All the ingredients for a story with all of the archetypes.And,looking at the costumes,props,and settings,there IS an attempt to provide some historical and ethnographic verisimilitude.
Further,we have 3 or 4 scenes where Steve strips down to the waist,and show off his Mr. Universe physique.Isn't he just delectable?