The legendary Toho Studios unleashed another sinisterly soul-slashing cinematic sensation in the far-flung, fear-bitten, diabolically deep-frozen 1950s fear-fest Half-Human! An avalanche of hirsute mountain-sized horror haunts some weekend skiers who have the grave misfortune of transgressing the subzero territory of some Half-Human horror beyond their ken! No abomination is too grisly for this howlingly maniacal alpine assassin! This 9ft tall, 1800 living pounds of crushing bone-shattering horror is TOO much monster for any puny human to handle!!! Beloved horror icon John Carradine narrates 'The Abominable Snowman' in his own inimitable spine-chilling fashion. And not since the lurid legend of the Peking Man has there EVER been such a perfidiously perambulating horror as witnessed in 'Half-Human'!
Could the missing link in this malevolent chain of eerie events be...'The Abominable Snowman'???. So, don't monkey about!!! Get your B-Movie bicuspids deep into a thick hairy slice of blissful Big Foot-Stomping Mayhem! Snowman has ever seen such towering, tooth-chattering terror as this glacier-dwelling, blood-thirsty behemoth! While the text is leaden and largely expository in nature, this curiously engaging midnight movie nonetheless engenders a great pathos for the plight of the beleaguered yeti and his no less hirsute, button-cute progeny! The quality analogue effects remain quite delightful to behold and the man-tormented cryptid has a weird animal magnetism sorely lacking in CGI-rendered beasties!