An intriguing slice of 'Golden Age Italian Gothic Horror,' this tale of a mad scientist called Count Drago (played by Christopher Lee) attempting to experiment on performers in a traveling circus rather than animals makes for a desirable curiosity piece, even though it's not very good. Alongside Lee, the cast includes Eurocult fave Philippe Leroy (The Frightened Woman), and Donald Sutherland in his first three film roles (he plays a Napoleonic soldier, an old man, and a Witch in heavy make up and a dress). As well as featuring an heroic dwarf named Nick, the movie has a complicated production history. Michael Reeves (Witchfinder General) received his first film credit aged just twenty, and a mere five years before his tragic barbiturate overdose, as assistant director, but it was rumoured that he contributed a lot more including directing an exciting sword fight on the castle walls. There were also rumours that Mario Bava provided special effects for the film. The movie was directed by Luciano Rick under the pseudonym of Warren Kiefer, and so grateful was Donald Sutherland for him giving him his first movie credit, that he named his son after him.