Mia Farrow (September) "Allison MacKenzie," a young woman who worked in a cute bookstore owned by Dorothy Malone (Basic Instinct) "Constance MacKenzie Carson," who was her mother. Allison started dating Ryan O'Neal (Zero Effect) "Rodney Harrington" and I used to love the series. Allison had really long beautiful hair and was innocent. I watched the series, dubbed and in black and white. There were people in the series that became very famous, and others some somewhat famous, such as: Gena Rowlands (Hope Floats) Mia Farrow, Ryan O'Neal (The Thief Who Came to Dinner) Ed Nelson(There's Something About Mary), Mariette Hartley (TV commercials for Polaroid cameras with James Garner, Marnie), Leslie Nielsen (Mr. Magoo), Barbara Parkins (Valley of the Dolls). The series and the actors were nominated for several awards such as Golden Globe, Emmy.