Sugar Pye : [In her cups] I mean, why shouldn't he be jealous. I'm not just a brain, you know. I've got a body--a good body, see.
Foots Pulardos : I never asked to be born into this world.
Sugar Pye : Oh, Footsy, don't say that.
Foots Pulardos : [after a contact he asked for some money hangs up on him] Selfish! Selfish! Selfish! Maybe I don't live right.
Sugar Pye : Oh, Footsy! Don't worry, sweetheart. Your little Sugar'll fix everything.
Foots Pulardos : [groaning] Ohhhhhh.
Sugar Pye : I'm not just a body, you know. I've got brains too.
Foots Pulardos : Brains?
Sugar Pye : You see what I mean? Oh! All you ever give me credit for is unmentionables.
Foots Pulardos : You birdbrain. That's the great seal of the United States.
Sugar Pye : It was not a seal. It was an eagle.
Sugar Pye : Sometimes on a rainy day, I, I'd read to him, you know. I read to him about Julius Verne, Moby Dick, all those other Greeks.
Sugar Pye : He's not just a foot, you know. He's got a mouth. A big mouth. Euwhhh, what a mouth!
Sugar Pye : I missed you so much.
Foots Pulardos : All right. Go change your clothes. You know I can't stand the smell of jails.