Captain Cyrus Harding: We deeply regretted we could not save the life of the man who had saved ours. A man who dedicated himself to ending strife among men. And when we returned to civilization, we all pledged ourselves to working for a peaceful and bountiful world, as Captain Nemo would have it.
Captain Nemo: [to Spilitt] You supply the ink. The soldiers supply the blood.
Captain Nemo: What I did was in the name of peace. Your war, like all wars, glories in devastation and death.
Captain Nemo: Now Captain Harding, aren't you ready to dance with the devil now?
Captain Cyrus Harding: Show me the pumps and the power to raise that ship, and then you'll have seven new waltz partners.
Captain Cyrus Harding: [Nemo's Diary] I get it! So, driven mad by loneliness and disgusted by his own beastiality, he resolves to kill himself.
Herbert Brown: I ran away from a battle. I've been running ever since. I got caught running away.
Sgt. Pencroft: Son, your whole Union Army's been running from mine for the last three years. Now we're running away from you. You needn't feel special about it.
Gideon Spilitt: Captain, why don't we turn this island into a democracy and elect a leader? One who won't keep escaping to places which need escaping from.
Captain Cyrus Harding: Because all of us here are still at war, and I just happen to be the ranking officer.
[first lines]
Confederate soldier: All right, now get down.
Captain Cyrus Harding: This was just the beginning. We escaped, but only into the clutches of the greatest storm in American History.
Captain Cyrus Harding: Below us, when we could still see through the patches of angry clouds, were smashed cities and forests torn up by their roots.
Captain Cyrus Harding: Then finally, the earth disappeared from our view. We were prisoners of the wind, helpless in the storm's mighty grip. And we wondered, how much longer we'd remain aloft. Would we ever set foot on the earth again?
Lady Mary Fairchild: I take it we're not in Marseille, in spite of what the gentleman offered us to eat?