We are in Debrecen in the 1890s. Mihály Nyilas, an eminent student of the local college, receives a parcel from home, which he does not open, but goes to the blind Mr. Pósalaky to read the newspaper to him. The lutrin then does the numbers the old man dreamed up. His fellow students, meanwhile, are consuming the contents of the packet, but for Misi, only his mother's letter is important. Misi then gets another job, teaching the Doroghys' son. Doroghy Bella is courted by Mr. Török and Misi helps with the correspondence. The lutrin pulls out the numbers of old Mr Pósalaky, but Misi has lost the account. This slip is found by Mr. Török, who has Bella elope. Both Doroghy and Pósalaky complain about Misi, but the student tries in vain to defend himself before the malicious committee. In the end, the truth comes out, but Misi no longer wants to be a student in Debrecen.